Make you stop thinking

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Jimin POV

"Is that so~? Then I hope you finish this game with a great finale~" He smirked and placed the copies in a corner. I smirked back, but after my expression started darkening, as I remembered everything that I was trying to suppress deep inside me. I kept having those hateful and unforgettable flashbacks in my mind... I wanted to forget today... I wanted to forget everything that was troubling me... But I wasn't managing to do that... I wasn't able to do it... The only thing that I could do was pretend that those memories weren't troubling me... And was with that mentally that I, somehow, managed to hide my frown from Taehyung and to get my false smirk back... Or, at least, for now...

"Anyway, what do you want to "make" for dinner?" He asked me smiling, trying to look innocently, even if that cute smile was totally fake and even if he was actually smirking inside.

"To "make"? You must be kidding me..." I rolled my eyes, but he started pouting in a tentative to convince me to do the dinner. I sighed in surrender. "Ok, I will do it."

"Thanks!" He said happily as little a kid. I smiled, without even noticing, after seeing him reacting like that...

"I'm leaving now to go buy vegetables and meat for the dinner. Wait here for me. And if you get really hungry before I arrive, you can eat some of the chocolate that it's' next the fridge. Just don't eat too much, okay?" I warn him and he hummed and nodded cutely. I said goodbye to him and opened the door, still looking back, to see a cute Taehyung waving to me. But, of course, he smirked after, as he felt victorious for having convinced me to make dinner. I rolled my eyes, but, at the same, I still had a true smile draw in my face, for some strange reason... However, I decided to not question about it and to just leave...


I finished buying everything and made my way to my dorm. When I finally arrived, I got my keys in the keyhole and opened the door.

"Taehyung, I'm back!" I shouted as I entered inside. But for my surprise, I didn't got any answer. "Hum...? Did he left when I was out?" I wondered and decided to look for him. And then was when I saw him lying his head in the table, with his arms hiding his face...

"What are you doing...? Stop sleeping in the table. That's what your bed is for. Wait...And you even ate all the chocolate when I was out!? Didn't I told to just eat a little?!" I scolded him but, for my surprise, he didn't responded. That's not normal... He usually responds back... Of course, not in the best way, but anyway... Something was wrong...

"Hey, Taehyung... Is everything okay...?" I asked worried.

"Jimin... I feel strange... I think I'm drunk..." He mumbled under his breath, still facing the table and covering his head.

"What?! How the hell did you even got drunk?!" I asked surprised and he mumbled a weak "I don't know...". And, as I still needed more answers, I decided to examine the chocolate box and I realized...

"Oh fuck, this chocolate has alcohol... And you even ate the whole thing that was in the box! You damn idiot! What were you expecting?! "

"Idiot is you, that didn't hear me or anything that I said, regretting later that decision, as other guy almost fuck yo-" He started saying angrily, but he stopped right away, when he noticed what was saying. He lifted his head, looking at my direction, to see my expression and to know how I had reacted... And I was shocked with what he had just say and was feeling, at the same time, a sudden sadness and anguish inside me... I was starting to feel so bad suddenly...

"Sorry..." He lowered his head, as he saw my pitiful, and painful to see, expression.

"No, it's fine..." I tried to say it with a smile, to show that I wasn't actually sad and for him to not worry, but my voice denounced me and denounced my feelings and everything that I was trying to hide... And both of us knew that there wasn't any point in lying now...

"Jimi-" He was about to say something, but I interrupted him brutally right away.

"I think you should go to your bed. You shouldn't be wandering around in those conditions. Go to your bed for now, okay...?" I told him and he nodded quietly. I held his hand and dragged him inside his bedroom.

"Stay there." I commanded as we got inside it. But now Taehyung was reacting strangely, as he was getting his face all heat up and, at the same time, was making a strange and somehow erotic expression that I never saw in him... Maybe it was only because of the alcohol...

"Jimin..." He whispered my name and was about to hug me, when I pushed him away and started shaking slightly in fear. I just couldn't let him hug me... I couldn't let him get near me... Or, that way, he would noticed it...

"Jimin...? What's wrong? You are even shaking and frowning a lot..." He asked me and moved closer. Dammit... If he gets closer to, he will be able to see those little purples marks and that obvious hickey that Suga had left me in the collarbone... He would hate me... So... I needed to get away from him! And quickly!

I took some steps away from him, until I hit with my back in the wall. Fuck... It was already too late... He was already looking to my neck and collarbone... He noticed it... There was no turning back now...

He grabbed my chin and turned my head to the other side to have a better look at my neck and collarbone. And I could see from the corner of my eye him frowning and biting his lower lip with anger.

"Suga... So it's him who keeps troubling you and makes you frown all the time..." He mumbled under his breath and I got a little scared with the really angry expression and big frown that he was making.

I wanted to say something, but, right away, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me next him. And, next, he threw me in his bed, topping me in it after, to not let me go.

"Taehyung...?" I muttered surprised and he leaned his face closer and whispered seductively in my ear.

"I will make you stop thinking in Suga and I will make you forget about everything he done to you today... And for that, I only need to make even more than Suga done to you... So, get ready, Jiminie~ I will take over your mind tonight~"

"... And for forever ~"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Do you know that thing called innocence? e.e Neither me. XD e.e'

And I will only update one chapter in every two days, for a week and already starting now. TT-TT It's just that really need to study for the next week's tests. TT-TT Sorry. TT-TT

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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