Special Chapter (Junghope)

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Jungkook POV

We were already at the shopping and we bought ice cream. We start eating it while we walked by the open part of the shopping, where we could see lots of kids playing and some couples kissing and hugging. Actually, there were way more couples here than I was expecting... And that was making me feel me kinda embarrassed and, at the same time, with a deep and big desire to kiss and hug Hoseok like everyone else was doing to his beloved and important one...

But, when I looked at him, I noticed that he had already noticed all those couples and was blushing nervously and looking shyly to the floor, creating an awkward atmosphere around us at the same time. So, I decided to don't say or do anything to him and to just continue eating my ice cream and walking with him quietly for a while... But then...

"Sorry, Jungkook..." He whispered that of the sudden. "Hum...? What...?" I asked surprised, as I didn't know why he was saying sorry so suddenly. "Why are you saying sorry? You didn't do anything."

"Is just... That I know that this isn't what you wanted..." He muttered, looking to the floor and slowing his pace. "I'm ruining this date... I know it... I guess I shouldn't have come... You would be way happier right now if I wasn't here by your side annoying you..." He said, lowering his head and feeling even more depressed.

"Hoseok..." I looked at him with pity in the beginning, but then I smiled. "...You idiot." I said and I chuckled after realizing how cute he looked when he was worried with what I was thinking. I received a shocked expression from him, as he wasn't expecting me to do that, and then a pout, as he felt like I was teasing with him.

"Why do you say that, Hoseok? This is exactly like I wanted! You are not running it." I walked and stopped right in front of him, pulling him in a hug. "Even because..." I tightened the hug. "...You are here." I said and leaned back to looked straight at him and to see his expression. He had a really red face and embarrassed expression, that made me let a quiet laugh, and I rested my head in his neck, making him feel my warm breaths in that area, to tease with him on purpose. And then I started feeling him getting nervous and shaking slightly, showing that it was actually making affect in him, and I chuckled again.

"S-stop that!" He stuttered nervously. I took my head away from his neck, to look at his still blushing bright red face, and I whispered seductively after in his ear...

"I know you like it~"

"N-no, I d-don't!" He stuttered and I stuck my tongue out, saying playfully "Liar~" at him. And, as I still wanted to tease with him more, I whispered again even more seductively and even more closer to his ear...

"Then, what if I don't stop~?" I wrapped my arms around his waist. "What will you do~?"

But, for my surprise, he didn't react like I was expecting and he suddenly grabbed my chin, moving his face closer to mine to get me in a kiss. I closed my eyes right away and waited for the kiss involuntary, but, as I never felt his lips in mine, I opened my eyes, seeing him with a really big smirk.

"I can play this game too~"

"Really~?" I pinned him against the next wall to us and that didn't had anyone around. "Then, I hope that you are ready to play it with me until the end~" I told him, making him freeze right in front of me, and I moved my face closer to his. And then I kissed him...

...In his cheek...

...Making me receive a shocked and slightly disappointed expression from him.

"What? Did you get sad because you didn't get the kiss that you were expecting~? You actually wanted me to do that, is that so~?" I smirked, but, for my surprise, he didn't get mad or responded back, he just stayed there quiet, looking to the ground. "Hey, Hoseok...?" I asked and I started caressing one of his cheek with my hand. "You don't need to be like this..." The smirk on my face kept growing. "I can still give you the kiss, if you want it that much~"

"Ice cream." He said of the sudden, catching me off guard, as that wasn't the response that I was expecting.

"What...? Ice cream?"

"Ice cream. You made my ice cream fall in the floor." He lifted his head and frowned, but still cutely blushing, as he was trying to avoid my teasing. I chuckled and let out a soft and quiet, but still audible enough for him to hear, "Cute...", that made him get even more embarrassed, as I hugged him at the same time.

"S-shut up and l-let me go!" He stuttered and tried to get off my embrace, but failing miserably, as I tightened even more the hug. "I buy you another ice cream later... Just let it stay like this for a while..." I said and he slowly stopped struggling against me.

"Do you want it that much...?" He asked and I hummed in response.

"Ok... Kookie..."


"What...? Kookie?" I loosened up the hug to look straight at him with a shocked expression.

"A-ah... S-sorry... It just that I always wanted to call you that... I know that it's weird, so just forget it..."

"No, it's not weird. I love it!" I gave him a open and sincere smile. "But now you need a nickname too... Let me think..." I said and started thinking for a nickname for him, until...

"Ah, I know! I'm going to start calling you J-Hope!"


"Yes, J-Hope! J from Jungkook and Hope because you are my hope! So, J-Hope!" I grinned, as I was a little kid proud of my own way of thinking. "Do you like it?"

"Y-yes!" He stuttered and I decided to tease with him a little more. "Yes what~?"

"Y-you already know what..."

"No, I don't. Say it~"

"Y-yes, I love it..." He blushed and I hugged him right away.



"Can I kiss you...?" I asked him weakly and wait patiently for his answer. And then, after a while, I received a hum in response, saying that I could, and that made me feel an uncontrollable happiness and excitement.

"Thanks~" I started playing with my voice.

"S-shut up and just kiss me already." He stuttered and I chuckled after seeing how impatient he was getting. "Anything for my J-Hope~"

"And I still want my ice cream, okay?" He pouted cutely.

"Ok, Ok." I chuckled one more time and a comforting and calming silence surrounded us...



"Kookie..." He smiled at me...

"J-Hope..." I smiled back...

...And then our lips met, creating a passionate and true kiss that I wish it could last for forever...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ And here you have a JungHope special chapter... ^-^ ...Just because I like to make people wait e.e Yes, I know that you are waiting for more Vmin e.e XD But that doesn't mean that I will give it too soon~ e.e XD

Anyway... :P XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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