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Jimin POV

Without even noticing, we were already in the dorm, lying in the couch (N/A: VJICOUCH! >-<) and cuddling ourselves in each other embrace and warm, with a comfortable silence surrounding us. The only thing that we could hear were our soft breaths leaving from our mouths in harmony and mixing in only one. It felt so calming...This was what I’ve been wishing for so long to happen! And it was finally happening! And it was perfect like I always imagined! I wanted this moment to never end and to just stay like this for forever!

“Jimin…” He broke the silence and I crawled to above of him slowly, wrapping my arms around him and laying my head in his chest. I could hear his calming heartbeats that were making me smile and slightly blush, involuntary, at the same time.

“What, Tae…?” I asked him almost in a whisper and, as after a while he still didn't had responded me, I lifted my head to look at him, noticing that he was frowning. “T-Tae..?” I stuttered nervously and only after he started talking.

“Why the hell did you left that note in your bedroom, saying that you would leave this school, moving to another one far from here, and that we wouldn’t never see us again?!” He shouted angrily at me and I started getting scared. “A-Ah…” I tried to find the words, but they got stuck in my throat, as his frown only grew more.

Oh, no… He was really mad at me… I needed to say something… I needed to say sorry… Or else I could lose him again and this time for forever… And I was really scared of that idea…

“T-Tae, s-sorr-” I started saying but got interrupted right away, as he suddenly sat up and hugged me tight. “Don’t ever scare me like that again…” He whispered and I could feel him shaking… “He really got scared, didn’t he…?” I thought and smiled after without even noticing.

“Don't worry, I won't ever do that again and I will always stay by your side from now on.” I told him and I gave him my usual eye smile, making him looked shocked at me at first, but then with a visible and cute blush.

“Y-you promise…?” He asked weakly.

“Yes, it’s a promise.” I told him and he started growing a little smile in his face, forming after his sweet and special box smile that I loved more than anything. I gave him a quick hug and let go off him after, as he still wanted to say something more.

“Jimin…” He called my name almost in a whisper.

“What…?” I asked and waited for him to continue.

“...T-Thanks…” He ended up saying after a while, stuttering and blushing madly at the same time.

“Thanks?” I asked surprised. “Why are you saying thanks?” I started chuckling. “I should be the one here saying that, because thanks to you I didn’t walk away from the person that I love the most and now I can stay by his side every as I always wished ” I told him what was going through my mind and I received a really open and silly smile from him, that turned to small pout again. “But still… Thanks.” He repeated one more time, making me chuckled again, as he looked really cute saying thanks.

“S-Stop chuckling…” He told me, still cutely pouting, but I didn’t stop it and actually even chuckled more. And that must had annoyed him, because he suddenly pinned in the couch and grabbed my wrists, placing them above my head.

“Stop or I will…”

“Or you will do what~?” I played with my voice to provoke him.

“Hum…? You really want to know~?” He started forming a smirk. “Then let’s see if you have tickles~” He said, making me lose my smirk and widen my eyes, as I was really ticklish, and, as he saw my expression, he smirked even more and started making me tickles.

“Haha! Tae! Hahaha! S-Stop!” I said, still laughing, and I tried to run away from him or to free from his grip, but, unfortunately, that only made him do even more tickles. And only after a while he stopped, to let me catch my breath.

“So, did you learn your lesson or do I need to continued~? Or do I need to do something “better”~?”

“No.. I learned… My lesson…” I said making some pauses in the sentence, as I was still trying to calm myself and was still panting.

“Good~” He said and, still on top of me, without letting me be able to stand up, he started examining my body, until he got his gaze caught by my lips, which he stared for a good time. “I want to kiss you…” He whispered, almost inaudible for me.

“What..?” I asked, as I wasn't sure about what he had just said.

“Can I kiss you…?” He repeated, embarrassed with what he had just asked.

“I think that isn’t what you should ask first~” I told him and, at first, he was clueless about what I meant with that sentence, but then he understood...

“A-ah…” He stuttered and gulped nervously, and I just stayed there quiet, waiting for him to say what I wanted to hear. “Jimin…” He lowered his head to hide the blush. “...Do you want to be…” He gulped nervously again, before finally finishing the sentence. “...M-my boyfriend…?” He stuttered cutely and I chuckled. “O-ok, I-I already asked! N-now b-bye!“ He was about to stand up and walk away, to don't have to hear and deal with my answer, but I wrapped my arms around his neck, without letting him go.

“Where do you think you are going~” I pulled his body closer to mine. “I just can’t let the person that I love the most and that just asked me to be his boyfriend go~”

“S-so… You…”

“Yes, of course I want to be your boyfriend.” I responded and we both smiled like two idiots. “This was really happening, wasn't…? I was really dating Tae…” I thought, giggling with that thought, as I wasn’t expecting this to ever happen.

“Well, and here you have the kiss that you asked for~” I pulled him closer and connect our lips in true and meaningful kiss, that was just perfect.


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Yupi, they are finally officially together. \(>-<)/ But the story still isn’t finished. e.e There’s some things that need to be “done”. e.e And talking about that, should I do a smut next chapter or not? e.e Please tell me in the comments. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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