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Ok, here's today update. XD Now you can cancel the assassins that you sent to my house to kill me. e.e' XD Seriously... Cancel them... e.e' XD Don't kill me... e.e' XD

And here you have a chapter bigger than usual to make you forget your sadness, your angriness and your desire to kill me. e.e' XD I hope you enjoy. e.e' XD


Suga POV

It has been so many years since then… I didn't even remember that anymore… So why now…? So why did I had to remember now… So why did I had to have a nightmare with that now…? I didn't want to remember again… But it’s already too late… I remember everything now…


- Flashback/Dream -

“Goodbye, Tae. See you tomorrow.” I told him goodbye, waving my hand at him, and he waved back. I stuck my tongue out playfully at him, receiving a funny derp expression back from him, and I turned around to walk away still laughing and with a really big and obvious smile.

It has been always like this. I would always be happy around him and with a silly grin in my face because of him. When did I started feeling like this around him…? Actually… When did I felt in love with him…? Yeah, I loved him. I had already recognised and accepted that. This was my first love. And the feeling of being in love with him was making me even more happy. It was a new feeling to me. And a excitant one! I hoped innocently everyday that Tae would start feeling the same towards me and that I would have the opportunity to confess to him. I just couldn’t wait!

I walked home, whistling playfully by the way. Anything could break my good mood. Or at least was what I thought… Because when I arrived home, my parents, with someone next to them that I didn’t know, were waiting for me in the entrance with a sad expression…

“Yoongi, son…” My dad started and I kept looking confused at him.

“What’s wrong…? Dad…? Mom…?” I asked them totally clueless and they switched looks between them, as they were trying to decide who should talk. And in the end, my father started talking.

“Sorry, son… Your dad and mom have to get away because of work and we will be out for a while… But we promise to come back soon…” He told me and I started feeling really bad and sad with the “ the same old news”. It has been always like this: they go away because of work and they never tell me when they are coming back, leaving me waiting for them hopelessly for undetermined and long time... But I still nodded back to him and faked a smile as I was saying “It’s okay.”, like always...


But “It’s not okay…” was what I wanted to say... “I don’t like to be alone… I don’t want you to go again… I don’t want to have to wait for you, with false hopes inside me everyday, and, in the end, ending up by only hurting myself during all that time...  So, please, stay…” I never said.


“Ah, and this is Jackson. You must have already see him in your school. “ (N/A: @suhojams, I put Jackson in the story. XD Are you happy now? XD) He smiled to me and I tried to smile back. “He will start to take care of you while he are away. Even still being very young and only some years older than you, he’s already very responsible and can take care of anyone. So, we will leave you in his care.”

“Hi, Yoongi. I guess I will start to take care of you from now on. I hope we have good times together and get to know each other better.” He said, tilting his head to the side and still smiling.

“Yeah, me too…”


“Hey, Yoongi. You look kinda sad.”

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