Hear me...

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Jimin POV

~ Ding dong ~

And the class ended...

I stood up nervous and walked next to Taehyung, preparing the words that I wanted to say. But before I could even say something, the teacher interrupted me.

"Jimin, can you please leave the classroom? I need to talk with Taehyung."

"B-But..." I stuttered nervously. And right away, Taehyung stood up and locked his gaze in me... I waited for him to say something... I wanted him to say something... I needed him to say something... Anything was okay... Anything was enough.. I just needed to hear his voice...

However, after getting my hopes up so naively and looking so hopeless, he walked away, towards the teacher, without saying anything and completely ignoring my presence... Dammit... Tae...

"Please, just do as I told you and leave. The talk that we are going to have has anything to do with you. So, excuse us." The teacher repeated one more time, even more serious now. I knew that it was better if I would just go... But I didn't want to leave... I wanted to stay there, with Tae... I wanted to be there for him... I wanted to say that everyone was wrong and to, who knows how, convince them that they shouldn't hate Tae... However, as the piercing stares from the teacher only kept getting even more obvious and visibles, I didn't had any other choice than to just the classroom...

I started walking away, but I stopped at the entrance to glance one more time to Taehyung, that was still giving me angry and, at the same time, empty stares. I sighed and, feeling broken in pieces and totally lost inside my emotions and lost in the world, I finally left it...


Lunch was almost ending and I kept waiting for Taehyung. The canteen was so empty and so quiet now... If Taehyung actually ended up by coming, we would be the only people here... It would be the two of us together, all alone... I was actually scared to be alone with him now, but that was something that I needed to be able to truly talk with him... Yeah, that was something that I really needed... So, I need to lose my fear... Or at least I hide it for a while...

After a while, when I was about to give up in waiting for him and about to stand up, to leave the canteen, Taehyung arrived... And, of course, not looking too happy...

"Hey... Tae..." I whispered weakly, walking next to him and stopping right in front of him. "I-I..." I tried to form the words in my throat, but, before I could even say something, he took some steps back and walked away from me, to get a tray with food, and passing next to me as I wasn't even there or as I wasn't anything that he cared about... He was ignoring me totally...

I sighed.

"Please, Tae... Hear me..." I said weakly, following him as he he kept pretending that I wasn't there. He placed the tray in the table and sat quietly in the chair avoiding all the eye contact with me. I frowned a little, as I was starting to get upset and impatient, because he kept insisting in not listen to me. Dammit... How was I supposed to tell him something and to explain myself, if he keeps ignoring me?! Oh hell no! This time I won't go away without making him hear me, even if it has to be by force!

"Tae! Just listen to me!" I yelled angrily at him. But I think that I shouldn't had done that, because, even if I actually managed to make him look at me, he was even more angry than before and frowning really badly... It was just a question of time for him to "explode" and to let violently and senseless everything out of his mind... And I guess that time had just came...

"What do you want?! Didn't you had already what you wished?! Everyone hates me and keep in only giving me death stares now! No one dares to talk with me anymore! I'm all alone! I'm not the number one anymore..." He bit his lower lip, before starting to talk again.

"I lost! You won! So, stop talking with me! There's no reason for us to talk anymore! There's no reason for us to keep being next one to the other! You don't even have any motives to keep seeing me anymore! So, let's just end with this! Leave me alone, like everyone already did! You don't need me anymore anyway!"

"N-No... Tae... It's not like that... I didn't gave the copy to the teacher... Someone else did it, without my agreement or even my acknowledge..."

"Lies!" He yelled even more loudly this time, as whatever I could say to him would only make him get even more mad at me.

"B-But, Tae... I wouldn't do that... I wouldn't cheat or use dirty moves against you, to just win at some stupid game or for my own motives... I wouldn't hurt you for my or someone else's happiness... I never would want that... Even because..." I took some moments before saying the next last words... "I actually love you..."

He locked his gaze in me, surprised with what I just said. He looked away, biting his lower lip, but I guess that he wasn't going to believe in me, because he started clenching his teeth and fists...

"Idiot! Love?! Really?! Do you think I will believe that?! Then, why did you gave the copy to the teacher?! No one else could have done that! So, stop lying to me!"

"But i-it's true..."

"Then you should do something about that thing you call love! I don't care about it!"

"Tae... I really love you..." I insisted, but he only kept getting even more upset.

"Don't you get it?! I've playing with you too! Like I did to everyone! And, as the naive and hopeless kid of always, you didn't even noticed that! There's no reason for "us"! The game is over! Everything is over! "We" are over!"

"B-But don't you love me back...?" I asked weakly and he looked at me with a shocked expression, but he got his frown back right away.

"What?! I never said that! You are only being hopeless and delusional! You look exactly like every students that I rejected! It's seems I was wrong about you! You are like everyone else! You are too boring for me. I don't need you anymore for nothing. So, get out of my way!" He stood up, pushing me away from him, to leave the canteen in a quick pace and still really upset. But then he stopped right in the entrance, before leaving definitely, to whisper those last words that broke me totally in pieces inside...

"Get out of my life..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ So... How the hell am I supposed to get them together now...? e.e' Yeah... e.e' I'll try to think in something later... e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

- Danielar

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