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Taehyung POV

That fucking little brat! 

The thought of the new guy having just arrived today and getting all the attention didn't leave my mind and kept upsetting me.  

"Who the hell does he think he is?" I started mumbling under my breath, although still discreetly to not attract any unwanted attention. I couldn't do anything as reckless as show ugly frowns to others or harm my beautiful face with too obvious angry expressions: I had a reputation to keep. 

"Does he think he's better than me? Because, if he does, he's very wrong."

~ Ding dong ~

"Hum, already...?"

Time had passed way more quickly than usual and the morning class was now over. It must have been because I was distracted and could only think about everything that had happened and how much I already hated Jimin. That boy was really pissing me off.

And also, who the hell is he? Where did he even come from? And why did he come to this school in the first place? In all the places, here?! Now?! 

I sighed. I knew there was no point in keeping making those useless and annoying questions. The best thing to do was to just not think about him and stop stressing myself out over all this. I shouldn't be wasting my time with someone like him nor give him any portion of my precious and so desired by everyone attention.

No, wait a second... 

"Now that I think... It wouldn't be that bad to spend some time with him. He can be my passport to a different daily life. Finally someone different from everyone else in here. Someone daring enough, who can actually give me challenges. Yeah, his arrive can in fact make everything very interesting for me~"

I smirked at that thought and ended up laughing quietly for myself, before returning back to - now less boring - reality.

"It's lunch time. He must be in the canteen by now." I stood up from my chair and calmly walked towards the canteen, of course, discreetly, to not be found by my usual annoying stalkers. 

Once I arrived, I found the person I was looking for there sitting, eating his sandwich in silence. As always my deductions were right. Well, it's not like it was difficult to get it right this time: Elsewhere could he be at this hour? 

Thankfully, he was alone at the moment, so I decided to go speak with him.

Jimin POV

"Hi Jimin. Can I sit next to you?" As I was eating my sandwich, I heard someone calling my name and I looked up to find a boy with dark brown hair right in front of me.


"Who is this guy?" Was the first thought that came to my mind, as I didn't recognize him right away.  "Wait... Ah, I remember, he sits next to me. What's his name again?"

"Oops, I think I said that out loud," I realized. All the students in the canteen started making weird expressions, which I wasn't really familiar with. Most likely a mixture of shock and rage, I guessed. 

Along with the expressions, an awkward and heavy silence took over the wide room, as everyone stopped whatever they were doing just to look at me.

This took some - seriously long - moments, until someone started speaking again.

"What?! How can you not remember him?! And his name?!" Some dudes sitting at a table next to mine just yelled at me angrily.

"He had the sympathy to talk with you, welcome you, and you dare to not know who he is nor his name?!"

"You must really think you're the big deal, uh?!" Other students, who also heard the conversation, started attacking me too.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was really mad at me, I could tell by the look of his face. However, the funniest part of all this was the fact that the others, who actually didn't have anything to do with this, were the ones the most furious. Seriously, don't they have anything better to do?

"You just arrived, know your place!" More and more students gave voice to their "wonderful" thoughts.

Strange. As the insults kept coming - along with all the annoying and nosy students -, Taehyung was starting to change his expression. He was now smirking, as if he was finding all this funny, a total joke.

I could even guess what he was thinking: "So, even when a "interesting and handsome" guy shows up, they still stay loyal to me, on my side." Well, all I can say in response is... Yes, I'm hella interesting and handsome. (N/A: Why do I think I would respond the exact same way? XD)

Once Taehyung finally had enough of the others students who didn't stop talking and insulting me, he started speaking again.

"Please, everyone. There's no need to attack him. He's still new here and didn't have enough time to learn and remember everyone's faces and names from his class. It's normal, give him a break."

Everyone got quiet and looked back to Taehyung. He was giving them a simple, sweet smile, which quickly erased all their rage and hate. 

Damn, how fake his smile was! Well, it's not like I was complaining, to be honest - at least it had calmed everyone down and made them focus back on their lunches.

"Finally! Now I can eat my sandwich in peace!" Or I wished, as I still had "someone" undesirable here right next to me, who didn't seem to be satisfied just yet. "Aff, whatever, I'll just keep eating anyway." I finished my thought.

"Sorry, but, now that I'm eating, I can't pretend I care about you. Come back after I finished having lunch."

Taehyung only laughed at me.

"If you keep with that attitude, everyone will hate you and you'll end up all alone. You just arrived, I don't think that's the smartest thing to do right now, don't you agree?"

Now who couldn't hold his laugh was me.

"Why would I want to get along with those idiots and be around them anyway?"

"Why would you want to be alone? Isn't that something only an idiot would want too?" Taehyung tried to counterattack with a provoking grin.

"Well, you know..." I started saying between the last bites I calmly gave to my sandwich."The bigger idiot isn't the idiot itself. Is actually the person who wants and chooses to be with the idiot ones."

Then I swallowed the remains of food still inside my mouth and ended with a smirk. "I guess we can say that it's the same case as yours."

Hahaha! Taehyung's face was priceless! He really wasn't expecting me to say something like that, was he?! His expression said everything!

"Speechless? Well, if later you end up remembering something to say, just tell me. I would love to hear it~" 

And with that I stood up from my chair and threw away the napkin I used for the sandwich, still without losing him out of sight. "Sorry, but I'm going now. I finished eating, so it's not like I have any intention of staying now."

"Ah, don't worry. You see,  I don't really care about you nor want to waste my precious time in someone totally worthless, so I doubt I will have anything to say."

"Good. See you later then~" I said while playing with my voice, just to purposely irritate him even more.

He quickly gave a fake smile, so obviously forced for me to see, and I returned the smile. I then started walking away and left the canteen, without letting him say anything more.


New chapter \(*-*)/. I wasn't going to update today, but people actually commented and voted om my fanfic (even if they were only a few, I don't really care :P ) and that made me happy. ^-^ So, to say thanks to everyone, I decided to update today. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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