Mistake pt.3

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Jimin POV

...He pressed his lips against mine...



...What?! What the hell?! He was kissing me! Why the hell was he doing that?! Fuck... I needed to get out of there... I really needed to release from his grip and to the brake the kiss... But I knew that I couldn't... For much I could keep trying, I wouldn't able to do anything... He wouldn't let me go away... And I was already trapped in his tight and dominant grip...

He kept kissing me and I was feeling so bad inside... It was so wrong... His touch... The kiss... Everything! Dammit... Why did I had to insist in being around Suga?! Why did I had to not listen to Taehyung?! Now, I was suffering the consequences... I'm such a idiot... I am just a fool... Yeah... You were right, Taehyung... Like always...

He broke the kiss, as we needed air. I felt so dirty. I wanted him to stop... But he wouldn't... I knew that this was only starting...

He moved his hand under my shirt and started sliding it from my abdomen to my chest, lifting my shirt all up and getting me exposed to him.

"Damn, Jimin... You are a lot more hot that I was expecting~ I want to see and touch every part of you~" I felt so disgusted when he said that and kept touching me.. And he must had saw the disgust I was feeling in my expression, because he gave me a quick and evil smirk.

He started playing with one of my nipples with his hand and sucking the other with his mouth. I started feeling strange, as some moans started coming out of my mouth and started being heard in the room, even with hand covering my mouth all the time. I didn't want to hear those sounds coming from me... I was feeling so bad... So disgusted... But I guess I couldn't do anything about it...

"Taehyung..." I whispered quietly in fear, without even noticing what I had just said, between the shameless moans that I kept letting out without even my permission. But I only noticed what I said, when Suga stopped playing my nipples.

"Hum~? I think you got my name wrong~ Moan my name, Jiminie~ I want to hear it~"

But, with my stubbornness, I didn't moan his name and stayed quiet for a while, without even saying a word. However, for my surprise and his too, I moaned quietly Taehyung's name again involuntary... And then, over and over...

"I already told you that that isn't my name. Moan my name~." He commanded more serious, but still smirking a lot.

I tried to moan it, but the words weren't forming in my throat. Everything that could be heard coming out from my mouth were the moans and, sometimes, Taehyung's name, that I repeated several times for some reason reason, without even knowing why...

Yeah... Weird... Even if it was Suga who was there, all I could think in was Taehyung... Why...? I don't know... But only knew that I wanted Taehyung here... That I wanted Taehyung in my side... That I needed him... So... Please, Taehyung... Help me... Come rescue me...

"Didn't you hear me? You better call by name... Or~..." He whispered in my ear and moved his hand to my lower zone, making me let a loud gasp. "So, will finally say it or what~?" He started massaging it.

"S-stop..." I mumbled weakly.

"No~" He whispered in my ear, giving me shivers. "You still didn't say it~"

I didn't want to say... But he would only be satisfied if I do it... I knew that... And I knew that I would end up by saying... I knew that it was only a question of time... But then, before managing to force myself to say it, he got a another idea... A even worse idea...

"But first, let me mark you to Taehyung see it after. How will he react~? I bet that he will get really mad and will start to hate you forever after seeing it~"

What...? Taehyung would start to hate me...? I didn't want that! I didn't want him to hate me! No! He couldn't hate me!

"No! Stop! " I yelled, as I started getting panicked and started struggling against him, to release from his embrace. But he grabbed me tightly and started sucking my neck, to leave a hickey.

Fuck... Taehyung wouldn't forgive after this... Sorry, Taehyung... Sorry for not have heard you... Sorry for being such a idiot...

...And then...





~ Click ~

We heard someone from outside unlocking the door. And after that person entered... It was Taehyung! And he was sweaty and fatigued for some reason. And to not talk about the angry and scary face that he was making...

He run towards us and took Suga away from me, throwing him in the floor. And right away, Taehyung got on top of him and started punching him violently and repeatedly, without showing sign to stop. I never saw Taehyung like that! I never had felt so fear before! Taehyung needed to stop! I didn't want to see him like that...

"Taehyung!" I yelled his name really scared. And, when he heard me, he stopped and turned his face in my direction. He gave me surprised look, when he saw my expression and me almost crying, and then a sad and pity face. I felt even worse seeing him with that expression...

He stood up and Suga left the classroom right away. Taehyung saw him walking away, but didn't go after him. He, instead, walked next to me and stopped right in front of me, locking his gaze in me. I gulped nervously. I never expected him to see me in this figure... I never wanted him to me like this... But I guess I was already too late...

"T-Taehyung..." I mumbled with so many emotions inside me, mainly sadness and still fear, as I was still shaking. He didn't responded...

I knew that he would say "I told you so" and leave me all alone, in that classroom and in that shameless and sad figure... That he would keep ignoring me and that he wouldn't never talk with me again... I knew that I would lose him... And then...

...He hugged tightly, for my surprise, without even saying a word, hiding his own face in my shoulder.

"Taehyung...?" I mumbled surprised. But be didn't said anything and just hugged me even more tightly.

"Taehyung... Sorry... Please... Forgive me..." I stroked my head in his neck, still shaking with fear.

And we kept hugging each other quietly there, without breaking the silence around us...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Ok, so... I'm a totally idiot. XD Of course everyone would want me to update today! XD What the hell was I expecting?! XD But anyway... :P Here it is. \(*-*)/

And I think I won't update tomorrow neither Thursday. TT-TT Writing everyday is starting to consume too much of my time and it's starting to make me feel tired, as I've been sleeping less hours than usual when I try to update in the days that I have classes until really late. TT-TT Then, I will take two days to a "little vacation" to rest (even if it's not really a vacation, as I still have school and tests in those days :P). TT-TT So...

...Ok, don't mind what I said. XD I actually don't care about how tired or sleepy I feel in the end of the week. XD It's just that I have dentist in Thursday. XD Even because when I stay awake until late, it's because I keep watching videos too. e.e' But the part about having my time consumed is true. :P But who cares? XD Is not as I would use that time for anything useful anyway. XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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