Love pt.2

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Jimin POV

“You said to me to leave your life… And so I did… Now is your turn to leave mine…”


When I looked behind myself, I couldn’t see Tae anymore… I had really left him all alone in the park, didn’t I…? I had really walked away from the person that I loved the most… From the person that I wanted to have by my side more than anything… Why..? Why was I doing this…? Why was all this happening…?


...What is wrong with me…? Why am I acting all cold with Tae, even if I don’t really mean anything of what I do to hurt him or of what I keep saying to him…? Why can’t I just let him know my true feelings…? I want to let him know how I truly feel… But I don’t know anymore how to do that… My mind and my emotions are a mess… And now, it’s already too late anyway… In the same moment that I had turned my back to Tae and started walking away from him, I had definitively announced, marked and accepted the end to everything that I held dear until today and to specially to my story with Tae…

This was a goodbye… I wouldn't ever see him again… This was the last goodbye that I would give him…

And the worst is… How am I supposed to live without Tae next to me for now on…? I will miss him… And a lot… I already knew it… But I couldn't do anything now… Even if he ended up by forgiving me and by telling me to stay, I wouldn't do it, because I don’t deserve it… I don’t deserve anything from anyone anymore…

...And specially from Tae...


And, without even realizing, I was already picking up the last things that I had left in my old dorm. The same dorm that had so many good (and even bad memories, but that looked small compared to the good ones) shared with Tae… To everywhere I looked I could see Tae in it…

...Before, that would send me such a relaxing and calm feeling, through that connection of the dorm with the special and happy moments that I had with Tae... But now I didn't care about it anymore... Everything would lose his meaning soon… Everything would be forgotten soon... Everything would end in some days anyway, as I would move to another school soon… So, I hadn't any other choice than to just ignore that feeling, to not hurt myself even more, with all those happy memories that I couldn't relive ever again for much I wanted...


And as the days passed slowly and painfully, it finally arrived the day for me to leave that school… To leave everything behind me, but, at the same time, to bury with all that weight in my shoulders for forever… I still didn't know how I would be able to live like that, but I would find a way… Or I at least hoped…

I picked up everything and went outside, noticing that car that had came to get me was already waiting for me. But, before getting in it, I stopped walking and looked to the school and to the dorms...

“Tae… I don’t want you to forgive me… That would be too selfish... But I have one last thing to ask you…”


“...Tae.. Forget me…Erase all the memories that you have with me… Throw away everything that has to do with me... That's all you need to do to be happy… So… Promise me... That you will forget me and be happy without me around… That's all that I want… That’s all I wish to you, to be happy… Then, please… As I can't be anymore happy, at least, be you… You deserve that, not like me… You are the only one here that should be happy… So… Be...” I said hopelessly, as knew that Tae or anyone else wasn't hearing me, and involuntary a tear rolled through my cheeks. And as I noticed that my driver was getting impatient, I wiped that tear quickly and went inside the car, but still with my gaze locked in the dorms, where I knew that Tae was…

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