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SURPRISE UPDATE AT 1 AM (here, in Portugal :P)! \(>-<)/ I HOPE YOU ENJOY! \(>-<)/ XD Ah, and I was listening to this song when I was writing this chapter. *-* Listen to it too while you read this chapter, if you want. ^-^


Taehyung POV

After a while, looking blankly to the floor and frowning concerned involuntary, as I was thinking about everything that Suga had told me, I heard someone walking towards ne in the hallway... I looked up and saw a small figure with his head lowered coming closer. It was Jimin...

"Jimin...?" I called his name weakly as he got closer to me, still wit his head lowered. "Hey, Jiminie... What's wrong...?" I asked him, already a little afraid of his possible answers.

And, before even responding to me, he hugged me tightly, shaking and sobbing at the same time, and I hugged him back.

"T-Tae..." His sobs started getting louder, even with him muffling them in my shoulder, and I could feel his cold tears touching on my shirt and my skin.

"Calm down, Jimin... I'm here..." I loosened the hug to wipe his tears that were forming in his eyes, with my thumb, and to kiss him gently and lovely on multiples places of his cheeks, still tasting the saltiness left on them by his tears.

"You can tell me what's wrong, Jimin..." I told him, trying to comfort him, but, for some reason, all my actions only made him cry even more.

"Why do you have to be so nice with me...? Why did I had to fall in love with you...? Why do I have to love you so much...? Why this...?" He hid his face again on my shoulder.

"Please, Jiminie... Just tell me what happened..." I told him weakly and he sniffed a couple times, before finally telling me what was wrong and burst in tears after.

"I broke my promise..." He whispered that and, even without really knowing why he was saying that, I felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach.

"W-what do you mean...?" I asked him and it took a while before him to start talking again.
"I can't stay... I need to change to another school..." He clenched his hands on my shirt.

"Sorry... I'm really sorry... Please... Forgive me... Please..." He said desperately and, before I could even realized, I had small tears already rolling down on my cheeks.

"B-But...." I tried to say something, but I started feeling a knot in my throat, as I was trying to hold my tears back but failing miserably.

I just hugged him tightly with all my forces, without any share of words between us two for a good time. I didn't want to let him go... I didn't want to watch him go... But I had too... I didn't have any other choice...

"I thought you hold be mine for forever... That you would stay by my side forever..." I finally decided to break that painful and depressing silence...

...But those words only created a worse atmosphere around us and made me feel my heart tightening even more in a deep sadness and pain...

"Why do you have to go...?" I asked in a whisper almost inaudibly, but I knew that he still managed to hear it.

"My parents won't assign it..." He answered. "Why...?" I asked him again, as I needed more answers desperately, just to try to think in a way to change the situation after. But then I saw him biting his lower lip and looking away...

Jimin POV

What should I say now...? It already hurt me a lot when my parents told me that they wouldn't assign the papers, and now I had to explain it to Tae and remember all the reasons that they had given me for their decision...

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