Regrets pt.2

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Hoseok POV

- Flashback -

I still didn't saw Jimin after he ran away from me early today... Where did he go...? Lunch time is already ending... Maybe I should give up in searching for him for now... I just hope that I get the opportunity to find him and to be able to talk with him soon... I can't take this for much longer...

Suddenly, after walking in slow pace in the school's hallways, I started hearing someone crying inside an empty classroom next to me. I decided to look inside, still not feeling right in doing that. But I was just too curious and wanted to see who was there... And then was when I saw...




...Jimin crying...




Jimin?! What was he doing here?! And crying?! I almost never saw Jimin crying in all these years... Even when he was all alone... So, for him to cry, something really bad and that hurt him deeply must had happened...

"Jimin...?" I whispered his name weakly, calling his attention and receiving a shocked and terrified expression.

"O-oh. Hi, Hoseok... What are you doing here?" He faked a quick smile and wiped the tears discreetly, to pretend that everything was okay and that he wasn't crying. However, the zone around his eyes was still all red, denouncing him right away and the fact that he was trying to lie to me.

"Jimin, what happened...? Please, tell me..." I walked and sat next to him, to give him a sincere and tight hug.

"It's just... Tae started hating me..." He muttered, stroking his head in my shoulder and starting to shake nervously.

Fuck! It has always something to do with Taehyung! I hate it! I hate it so much! Why?! Why does this has to be like that...? He should only think about me... He should be the only one in his mind... If it was me, he wouldn't be crying now and would have his usual beautiful eye smile... But it wasn't me... It was Taehyung...

...And when did Jimin got so intimate with Taehyung?! He even calls him "Tae" now! He never gave a me nickname... Dammit! Dammit...

"Why does he hate you... Did something happened...?" I tried to hide my anger from him and comforted him.

"S-someone... Someone took my last copy and gave it to the teacher..." He said hiding his face in my chest, trying to hide the tears.

"Jimin..." I started nervously. Yeah... I needed to tell him... I couldn't just lie to him... I couldn't just keep hiding everything from him... I would be honest now... Even if I would regret everything in the end...

"...I was the one who gave the copy..." I ended up by telling him the truth... And, right away, as reflex, he pushed me away and moved a little away from me.

"W-What?! Why did you done that...? Because of that Tae won't ever forgive m-"

"I love you." I interrupted him and he looked at me with his eyes really widened.

"W-What are you talking about...? Stop playing with me... It' not funny... I don't like it..." He whispered and lowered his head.

"Jimin... Let me tell you this again..." I moved closer to him.

"...I really love you."

- End of the Flashback -

Taehyung POV

"Because of you... Because of you..." He started forming some small tears in his eyes... Damn, I never saw Hoseok crying... Before he was so emotionless and cold... He would never cry... And now he was so different... He seemed "alive" now... Or, at least for now, because I could see he was really hurt and was getting all his happiness and life drained...

And he continued talking almost in a whisper...


Jimin POV

I ran without destiny, wiping the the tears that kept falling by the way. But, then, I passed next a window and managed to see my reflection in it... I sighed after seeing how I looked... My eyes were all red... Everyone could see that I've been crying...

I can't stay like this... I think that it's better I don't go to school and miss the next classes for today... I don't feel okay... I'm not in conditions to be here... I really need to be alone... And for a good time...


Sorry, Hoseok... Please... Forgive me...

- Flashback -

"...I really love you..."

W-what?! He was really in love with me?! I never noticed that!

"S-since when...?" I asked, fearing the possible answer that he could gave.

"Since we were kids... I've been in love with you since I got to know you, even a lot before than when things turned pretty dark in the past..."

He loves me for so much time...? How could I never notice...? And... Why did he had to say only now?! I didn't love him back that way now... And I had even someone else special in my mind that I had already accepted that I was feeling love towards him...

"And that's the reason I lied to you about Taehyung. I only wanted you to move to my school for you be next to me everyday. I only wanted you by my side..."

No! Stop! Don't make it more difficult... I don't want to hurt you...

"H-Hoseok... S-sorry, I don't feel the same towards you... I love you, but in not that way..." I ended up nervously rejecting him.

"O-Oh, is that so...?" He lowered my head.

"Yeah, I'm really sorr-" I lowered my head too, but suddenly got interrupted.

"It's Taehyung, isn't...?" He said brutally, looking away coldly.

"W-what?!" I stuttered and blushed bright red.

"So, I was right, uh...?" He stood up slowly, while I kept watching him walking away. And, before leaving, he gave a me really pitiful look.

"I finally did it... I finally confessed to you... I finally did what I always wanted but was always afraid to do... But I guess I took too much time to do that... I wish I had tell it sooner... Maybe like that everything could have ended differently... " He gave a weak smile and finally left.

No! How could I be so dumb?! It's my fault, isn't...? Everything that is happening is all my fault! I hurt Hoseok... I hurt Tae... I hurt everyone that I loved... Dammit!


... Dammit...


... I...


...Won't hurt anyone that I love...


... Not anymore...

- End of Flashback -

Hoseok POV

"...Because of you, Jimin never will be mine!"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Last week, I was expecting to this fanfic to be already finished by now...


...I guess I was wrong... e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)


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