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Taehyung POV

He was here…

Jimin was here in the park, running and looking everywhere all the time, as he was trying to find something or someone. But then he stopped, as he noticed me…

“Tae…” I heard him whisper my name weakly and with a really hurt eyes. And, right away, after biting his lower lip nervously, he turned around, making his back face me, and started walking away coldly and without giving importance to me.

No… I won’t do the same mistake again… I won’t let him go this time… I won’t lose him again…

“Jimin!” I ran after him and grabbed his wrist, to not let him go, but he kept ignoring me and without even turning around to face me.

“Please, Jimin… Look at me…” I whispered but he kept stubbornly avoiding to face me, making me be hit by a sudden sadness. And, as I knew that he wouldn’t face me by his free will, I pulled his wrist, turning his body and his gaze towards me, and I hugged him right away.

“Jimin…” I whispered his name again and rested my head in his shoulder, but, sadly, he pushed me away emotionless. Well, at least, he was now looking straight at me now… Even if it was only with a cold and empty look…

“Oh, Taehyung. I didn't see you there. Can I help you with something?” He asked with an ironic and fake smile, saying “Taehyung” more loudly and with more strength purposely… And all that to just make sure that I would hear it clearly and that I would get sad, as he was pretending to show that he had stopped calling me “Tae”. And, yes, he got successful in doing that and managed to make me sad and hurt inside… I mean, of course, even more than I was already...

“J-Jimin… Please forgive me… I didn't mean to say that to you… It was just that I was really hurt, broken inside and angry that couldn't think properly anymore… So…” I wrapped my arms around him. “Don't go… Don't leave me…” I whispered in his ear and tightened carefully the hug.

“Really? But you seemed really serious when you told me to get out of your life.” He said and pushed me away again, but, this time, rough enough to make me fall in the floor. “Didn't you had already what you want? I won't annoy you anymore. You don't have to deal with me anymore. So why are you not happy?”

“T-this isn't what I wanted… I never wanted this…” I stuttered nervously and he bit his lip angrily, after hearing what I had just said.

“Liar. I’m done with your lies! Just stop talking with me and forget me already!”

“Tsk.” I got up from the floor and grabbed his jacket’s collar. “Why don't you hear me?! I never wished for this to happen! Even because…” I took a while before letting those special words coming out from my mouth…

“...I love you…”







“Ah, great way to show love!” He said ironically, while he rolled his eyes and hit my hands away. I only stood there froze, without knowing what to do or to say. And then his ironic smile disappeared and he started doing a cold stare towards me, as he said...


“You told me to leave your life… And so I did…”


“...Now it’s your turn to leave mine…”

Suga POV

Why…? Why did I said Tae’s name when I was with Jimin…? Did I think that it was Tae who was in front of me and who I was touching and kissing, because I was drunk and kinda out of me…? Maybe…? Who knows…? The only that I know is… That what I was saying to “Tae”... I didn’t only say because of the alcohol in my brain…

...I was totally conscious of what I was saying...

I knew that I had really meant it… I really wanted to say that to “Tae”… All that was the truth that I’ve been trying to hide from everyone and even from myself… This was how I truly was feeling , but never had accept it…

...But I couldn’t hide it anymore… I had even admitted in front of Jimin, while I kept imagining him as Tae unconsciously… This was what I wanted to say to him… It was just too obvious now…


…I still love Tae…

...And I will change to try one more time to win his love…

Jungkook POV

“Hoseok, I don’t like to see you like this…” I looked to Hoseok that was with a dark expression, looking to the floor quietly, while he was sat next to me in the park. “You need to cheer up! Come one, let’s go to the shopping or to somewhere else!” I said and held his hand, trying to light up his mood and try to make disappear the heavy and depressed atmosphere around us.

“Yeah… I guess you are right…” He forced a weak smile, that only made me feel even worse inside and somehow jealous, because I knew that he was still only thinking about Jimin and not about me…

I wanted to make him stop thinking in Jimin and in everyone else… I wanted to make him think in only me… But why wasn't I being able to do that…? Wasn't I good enough for him…? Was that reason for him to keep not thinking in me…? Will I never have him for only myself. Is that what’s going to happen…?

But I won't give up just yet. Even if Hoseok still didn't forgot Jimin, I will keep being by his side. I won't leave him alone… And I will be sure to do everything to make him love me back - and only love me - and only think in me...

“Ok, then let's go.” I said and dragged him gently out of the park, seeing after that he had a weak, but sincere, smile forming in his face, that made me smile too without even noticing.


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Next chapter will be a Junghope special. :P Why? :P Because I want to and I can. :P XD

And I hate when the author of a fanfic (or of any other type of story) say that she/he will stop updating it (or other things like that) just because people are not voting, even if they comment all the time. -.-' (I saw this recently) Are you kidding?! >-< I lose more than 60 votes for every person that only votes in the last chapter and you don't see me saying that I will stop updating or whatsoever. >-< The only thing that I do is cry at night. ;-; Kidding, kidding. XD




Anyway... :P Sorry for the late update. >-<

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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