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Jimin POV

Did he just leave me all alone in the living room?! And why did he react like that anyway...? "Right after the kiss...?" I blushed so badly as I remembered everything again.

Anyway... Did he realize what he just done?! He kissed me! Ok, he probably had already realized that... But did the kiss at least mean something...? Or is just too easy and normal for him to kiss someone...? Of course, with empty kisses, but anyway... I could expect that from a playboy like him...

"Or did he done that to just to prove his point...?" I asked myself as I remembered that all this happened when we started discussing about Suga... I had forgot totally about that... I don't even know if I should give ears to what he said now, but I will think about that later... There is already too much occupying my head now...

It's been awhile since I've been in the couch alone and Taehyung still didn't left his bedroom. Should I go see him? I think we will have an awkward atmosphere and everything... But anyway... I think that's better I go see him...

I decide to go to Taehyung's bedroom see him. I knocked nervously at his door, but I didn't had any response.

"H-hey, Taehyung... I'm coming inside..." I said hesitating in enter but I ended up doing it in the end.

I saw Taehyung lying in his bed sleeping, outside of the covers. But he was sweating and looked more pale than usual. I walked next to him slowly, trying to not wake him up. I stretched my hand in his direction, but, as I started shaking, I stopped it in the middle of the air.

"Why am I so afraid to touch him now...? Did something just changed...? Did the kiss changed me...? Did the kiss changed my feelings...?"

When I finally got the courage, I putted my hand in his forehead. He was hot...

"Aish, this idiot got sick." I sighed. "It seems that idiots can actually catch a cold."

I realized that he was getting too sweaty and he needed to change his clothes. "Aff, he only gives me more work." And now I couldn't believe that I had to change his clothes! At least, he would be asleep while I was doing it. I just hope he doesn't wake up while I'm changing his clothes... Because, then, our atmosphere would get even more awkward...

When I was about to pick new clothes for him, I looked to Taehyung again. And I started having that feeling to want to touch his hair again...

I moved closer and this time nothing stopped me for touching him. I slid my fingers gently, trying to not wake him up. His hair was so soft... I wanted to keep touching it... And I continued touching it...

However, right away, he started holding my hand involuntarily, as he was still sleeping. He started cuddling his cheek in my palm. I blushed madly, but didn't took my hand away. We stayed like that for a while, but I still didn't had changed his clothes and he was really needing new ones now. I got my hand away from him and he started searching for it still asleep. Cute...

"Don't worry. I won't go anywhere." I caressed his hair and he calmed down. I smiled.

Why do I feel so happy next to him...? I shouldn't feel like that... Because if he knows... He will manage to manipulate me...

Taehyung POV

When I woke up, I was in my bed with my sheets covering me. "I don't remember covering me..." As I sat up, I noticed that I had a really bad headache and was feeling really tired and hot.

"Dammit... I'm sick..." I said putting my hand in my forehead and noticing that was really hot.

I stood up and realized that I was wearing different clothes from when I felt asleep. I don't remember changing them... Don't tell me...

"Jimin! Did you fucking changed my clothes when I was asleep?! I shouted as I got in the living room and saw Jimin in the couch.

"Watch out your fucking language!" He responded involuntarily before realizing it was me. "Ah, you are already awake. At least, say hi, yeah?" He smirked slightly.

"Hi." I said rolling my eyes. "Now... Did you changed my clothes or what?!"

"Yes." He responded calmly.

"Who said you could do that?!"

"You were getting all sweaty and you needed to change your clothes. And as you were sleeping, I decided to don't wake you up and change them myself."

"You could just had woken me up, that I wouldn't how mind that much. And I would prefer that than you dressing me without knowing, you know?!" I complained and he didn't responded, but started giggling. I rolled my eyes.

"I can't believe that you done that..." I said covering my face with my right hand.

"See this as revenge from the kiss." He pretended to be all cool and to smirk, but, as he heard those words coming out of his mouth and realized the meaning of them, he started blushing madly.

"A-ah..." I was about to say something but I didn't know what words to say. I gulped and blushed bright red too as I remembered too...

"A-anyway, go to your bed. I know you are sick so you shouldn't be walking around." He stuttered in the beginning, but tried to hide it. "I will make something for you to eat and I will bring it later." I nodded shyly in response, looking away, and entered my bedroom.

I lied in my bed. I didn't want to sleep now, but I guess I should do it as I was sick and needed some rest. So, I decided to take a quick nap while Jimin was doing something for me to eat. But before I closed my eyes, I placed the tip of my fingers in my lips and smiled, as I felt happy for some reason. However, when I noticed what I was doing, my smile faded and I sighed.

I don't want to admit it but... Maybe... Just maybe...


... I like Jimin...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Finally Taehyung and Jimin are starting to realize their feelings. e.e It was already time for that. e.e

And I won't be updating tomorrow. TT-TT Sorry. TT-TT And this time no one will convince me to update. X( So, yeah.. e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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