Mistake pt.1

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Sorry for the short chapter. e.e'


Jimin POV

"Taehyung...?" I mumbled, locking my gaze in him and waiting for him to turn around to face me, but still nervous. And right when he done that, he brutally pinned me in the next wall to us, more angry than ever. I yelped with his sudden actions and with the brief pain that I got when he slammed my back in the wall.

"You fucking idiot!" He yelled suddenly at me and that startled me, making me try to get away from him involuntary. "Why are you with Suga?! Didn't I tell you to get away from him ?! Didn't I warn that he is dangerous?! Stop getting around him! You will regret later if you keep insisting like that!" He kept yelling, now pressing my shoulders against the wall, with his fists grabbing tightly my shirt... I got a little scared with his angry expression, but I lost the fear right away, as I replaced it with rage...

"Ah, hell no! He must be kidding with me! As if he had the power and right to tell me what to do! There's no way that I'm going to listen to him!" I thought, changing my expression from a scared one to a mad one.

"Why the fuck should I do that?! You have been ignoring me all day and now I have to listen to you and to do whatever you want me to do?! You must be kidding me!" I yelled back pissed off too.

"Didn't we had this conversation before?! I t seems that you didn't learn anything after "it"!" He shouted at me and I blushed slightly, as I knew what he was making reference to. But this time I wouldn't let him to win this argument.

"I don't care! I will keep around him even with whatever you say! Stop pissing me off and leave me alone!" I responded back and Taehyung bit his lower lip when he got that answer from me. He saw that I wasn't going to stop insisting and being stubborn, and let out a sigh in surrender.

"Tsk. Do whatever you want then! I won't stop you or bore you anymore... I'll leave you alone as you want... Bye..." He took his hands away from my shirt and started walking away.

"Oh... I guess this time I won the argument..." I thought to myself, surprised, but starting to smirk after.

I couldn't believe it! I had actually win at something, with all my stubbornness! And even against Taehyung! I wasn't expecting that to happen! "But I actually did it!" I said to myself, as I was feeling so happy and victorious. "I did it!"


Yeah, I did it... And I was truly feeling happy and victorious... But that time... That time, I didn't knew, but... I wish that I didn't had won, because...




That ended up by being a really terrible mistake...







Hey, hey, stop! XD This chapter ends here. e.e You can't know more for now, because I won't update the continuation of the chapter today. e.e'

You have to wait a little more, because, today, I will only update this short chapter and, tomorrow, I will update a special Namjin chapter, as we haven't seen them in the fanfic for a while. e.e' (I don't even know when was the last time they appeared... e.e') And I promise that I will make the next chapters bigger... e.e' So... e.e

I hope you enjoyed it... ^-^

...And that no one kills me... e.e'

(I really love to leave the chapters in cliffhangers... e.e' You should have already noticed... e.e' And I think everyone should get used to it, because I think that I will still do that a lot. XD So, yeah... e.e' Sorry... e.e')

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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