Tomorrow pt.2

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I really love Troye Sivan songs. e.e' XD


Taehyung POV

"Ah... Tae..." He moaned my name between the synchronized movements of our lips. I broke our kiss after a while and took his shirt off, taking mine after.

"Jimin..." I whispered his name, while pulled our bodies closer and started to caress his cheek. "Tae..." He whispered back.

I connect my lips with his again and licked his lower lip, asking for entrance, which he gave me slowly.

I slided my tongue inside and touched every spot, until I reached his tongue and started fighting against him for dominance.

However, I guess it was a one-sided fight - or I guess it couldn't even be called a fight - because he didn't move or react to my actions.

He just stayed there, froze and quiet... And that lack of reaction, of life, was making me feel deeply depressed and with a huge pain in my chest... But I decided to just (try to) ignore that...

After accepting that he wouldn't fight against me, I just topped that meaningless fight and started to suck his tongue, making him moan, but still quietly and hesitantly... Almost like he was trying to hold his moans along his tears...

I broke our kiss and I tried to look at him after. But as those sad brown eyes kept looking pitifully at me and kept hurting me really badly, I ended up by looking away and moving down to his neck, to try to distract myself from the way how Jimin was looking at me...

I slided my fingers through his chest and pressed my lips on his neck, to tease with him and to try to make him to act more like himself, also in a tentative to light his mood and the atmosphere around us at the same time...

...But as expected that didn't do anything, as all continued the same and Jimin hadn't changed his expression one single bit when I leaned back to see it...

...I hate it...

..I just wanted us to enjoy this moment, to enjoy our last moment together... I just wanted to see him smile one last time... I just wanted to make him happy one last time...

...I just wanted him to be entirely mine and to only have me in his mind for, at least, a few seconds... I just wanted to bring him a true smile every time he was thinking in me... That was what I wanted... That was all I needed...

...But I knew that none of that was possible anymore... Yeah, I already knew that... I couldn't make him happy anymore... I couldn't make him smile anymore, not even when he was thinking in me or whenever he were together...

I wasn't motive for happiness for him anymore... I was only hurting him and making him cry now... And that was hurting me a lot too, even if was the one who was creating Jimin's suffer and sadness...

...Actually, it was because of that, that all this hurting me so badly... I wasn't Jimin's source of happiness, but the total opposite now... I hurt him, I make him cry, without even wanting... And knowing that was painful... Really painful...

However, I guess that wasn't the pain that was hurting the most now... It was another feeling, another thought, much worse, inside me, that didn't want to stop torturing me... Can you guess it...?


...Yes, it was the feeling that, even he still didn't had left my side, Jimin had already left my side and was already really far away from me now...

...He wasn't really here... I couldn't truly touch him anymore... He was so distant from me... He wasn't in my arms anymore... Yeah, I had already noticed... Jimin... The person that I love the most...

...Wasn't mine anymore...


...He had already left my side...



I tried to ignore my thoughts and I started licking and sucking his neck, trying to put all my attention on my tongue and mouth's movements, to not remember everything that I was trying to forget...

Of course, I knew that it wouldn't do any good now, but what other option did I have anyway...? I didn't have any other choice... It was hopeless to try to think in a way to forget my pain now... That such thing didn't exist that moment... The pain wouldn't just go away anymore...

So, to try to forget the pain for at least few seconds, I decided to focus my attention on something else and then I moved to his really pinkish and soft nipples that were totally exposed to me and had already caught my gaze.

I played with his left nipple I licked and bit the other one after, with the intention to try to make Jimin let out any true - and not forced - sound, just to break that stressful atmosphere, and, for once, I managed to make Jimin let out his true and sexy moan. "I guess he's really sensitive here." I thought, with a faint smile.

While I kept playing with his sensitive areas, I started feeling something hard on my tight. I looked down and, after realizing what it was, I looked up to Jimin who was biting his lower lip and was looking away embarrassed.

Funny how I would be already smirking by now, if today was a day like any other, but now I was only smiling weakly at him... My mind was really a mess right now, wasn't it...?

"You don't need to be that impatient, Jimin... " I said, surprisingly without any perversity in my tone of voice, but actually only affection and care.

"We have all the time of the world t-" I realized right away what I was about to say and interrupted the sentence. "I m-mean...! We have all night to do this..."

"Y-yeah... I guess you're right..." He ended up by only saying that, but it was enough for me to smile, even it was weakly and almost with a nonexistent smile.

I unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them, throwing them after to anywhere around us, and I admired his tights for a good time.

"This was the second time that I had that breathtaking view exposed to me" I thought, even if his black boxers were still covering part of it...

I would be already drooling over them by now, but now I couldn't just take out of my mind the fact that this would the last time too... I wouldn't ever have that view in front of me ever again...

... Before we would be smiling like idiots, but now we we couldn't stop crying...

...Before this moment would be perfect, as I had Jimin in my arms, but now it was just too painful...

...Before... But now...

...And before I could even noticed, all this had came down to only "Before"s and to really hurtful and depressing "But now"s...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry for the late update. TT-TT And I didn't manage to finish the chapter on time, so I had to stop it half way. TT-TT Sorry again. TT-TT I hope you aren't mad at me. TT-TT I am. TT-TT

I hope you enjoyed. TT-TT

Bye ~(T-T~)

- Danielar

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