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Taehyung POV

Who was with Jimin? I think I saw him before by the school. Are they friends? Wow, Jimin actually has a friend. I let out a little laugh.

"Taehyung, where are you looking?" I almost had a heart attack. I didn't notice him arriving. Dammit, I never have rest from anyone.

"What do you want, Namjoon?" I said coldly.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Is that how you treat a old friend?"

"Yeah, yeah, I will try remember some day how to treat a old friend, but I ever said you were one."

"So mean. If you continue like that i'll be sad." He said trying doing his best sad face and even trying to pout but he was awful at doing it.

"Then be." I responded without caring and looking outside the window again.

"So cold as always. Is good to see you didn't change but somehow that's not a good thing." He said sincerely and laughed. I only sighed.

"So was that guy that you were looking at? Are you interested in him? It has been so many time since the last time I saw you get interested in something."

"Ah, I'm not interested in him. And in no one and a."

"Then why are you making such a big deal with it? You even look frustrated."

"That's because I am. I have a idiot that doesn't want to let me in peace. Why should I be happy?" I said already done with him. But he only laughed again.

"Someone has been really in bad mood. Is because of him?"

"Somehow. He's been take me out of serious."

"Hum... I never like to see you in bad mood... Neither anyone..." He said the last part mumbling but I managed to heard it anyway. "But is good to see you are interested in something."

"I told you I'm not interested in anything. And even if I was, I don't know if it would be a good thing for you." I said rolling my eyes. Right away we heard a familiar voice.

"Namjoon!" It was Jin.

"Why did you went without me? Next time tell me where you are going." He said pouting with his chubby cheeks.

"Sorry. Don't make that face, I won't do it again." Namjoon said caressing Jin's face. But both realized what he was doing and starting blushing. Namjoon took away his hand as noticed that himself was blushing.

"Ah, s-sorry..." Namjoon said still embarrassed.

"W-well, I-I'm going first! S-see you after in class." He said before leaving almost running.

"So..." I started smirking. "Someone is being really friendly."

"S-shut up.' He said stuttering and still blushing. "Is not what it looks like."

"And what it looks like?" I continued still smirking.

"Just shut up." He said now that he lost the blush.

"Is that how you to treat a old friend?" I said laughing.

"Aff." He sighed. "Anyway, it wasn't that bad how I was expecting seeing you again. We haven't talk that much since he ended up in different classes."

"I don't even want to know how bad you were expecting."

Namjoon laughed. "Now I have to go. Give my greetings to the "special guy"."

"I won't." I said without changing my expression.

"What a shame." Namjoon said smirking before leaving.

I looked outside again. Jimin wasn't no more in the garden. Neither the other guy.

Jimin POV

"Thanks for showing me the school." I said smiling with my eye smile too.

"Do you know already which is your dorm and with who I'll you share?" (N/A: Sorry for not mention early that they live in dorms. e.e' I totally had forgot. XD Oopsy. e.e')

"No, I'll know tomorrow."

"Well, if you need to ask me about something later, come at my classroom any time." He said and I nodded.

"See you after school."

"See ya." Hoseok said entering his class. I waved my hand and got my way to mine.

As I kept walking in the hallway, I saw someone familiar. "Dammit, there he is again." I sighed. Now I didn't want "play" with him, because I was really in good mood.

"Wow, you actually have a friend. I wasn't expecting that... Neither anyone." Taehyung said with same big smirk as always.

"And what? At least I have a friend that isn't idiot." I rolled my eyes and ended by release a ironic laugh.

"Really? But for how much time? What if I end up by taking him from you?"

I got scared when he said that. I really got scared. I knew he actually could manage do it because of "that"... But I didn't want that to happen. It couldn't happen. I tried to not show my fear and I guess it was too late because he noticed my expression.

"You actually got scared?" He asked surprised and ended by laughing out loud.

"I wasn't expecting that." He kept laughing. "Well, at least is good to see that you have a weakness and that you can feel fear."

He stopped laughing, in need for air. "So..." He said pinning me to the wall. "If you piss me off again, I'll take him from you. You better stay quiet from now on."

Now I wasn't scared. I was angry. And he noticed my expression and chuckled before turning his back to me and walk away.

"Thanks for everything and especially the expressions." He waved his hand without even look back one single time and disappearing in the hallway.

"Fuck." I punched the wall. "How did this happened?"

As I kept cursing over everything, I notice something in the floor.

"Hum... What's that? Someone left this here..." And picked it and right away I started openly smiling.



New chapter \(*-*)/. Happy birthday, Rap Monster \(*-*)/. I think I should had said that yesterday too, but I forgot to do that. e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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