Know why

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Taehyung POV


"So you finally remembered me..."

"Why didn't you said anything when you left?! From one day to another, you just disappeared without saying anything! Not even goodbye!"

"I had to move away..." He mumbled, but I ignored. I still had so much to take out of me that I kept inside for so much time.

"Do you know what I felt when you left?! And how much everything changed?! And now that you came back, you didn't even said anything! If I didn't realized before, we wouldn't even be talking now! Or maybe never..." I started to try to calm down. "Why...?"


"Why?!" I shouted out, starting to lose the calm again.

"I needed to move..."



"Just tell me the reason..."

"I..." He started quietly. "...Had a friend that was bullied by everyone, but he was too stubborn to just leave them to do whatever they wanted like that. And, because of that, he was always getting in fights, getting wounds every day."

"And then he got beat really bad one day by someone and I needed to see him, even because his parents wasn't there for him neither no one was.... And his wounds weren't getting better, because they were really bad and because of the constant fights he still kept getting in... So I decided to move next to him..."

And then he continued. "And Suga said that you wouldn't mind if I go, even because that way you would have more chances to be the number one as you always wanted... And look! Now you finally are..."

"But I didn't wanted like that..."

"Yeah... Sorry..." He scratched my head. "Let's change subject."

"Ok..." I mumbled as I started looking away.

"Then...I will win this time."

"Hum..? Win what?" I asked in confusion.

"Jimin." He said smirking.

"A-ah. W-what do you mean by that?!" I stuttered. "Why would I want to win Jimin anyway?!"

"Really~? Then I can have him~?" He played with his voice to provoke me. "It wouldn't make any difference to you, am I right~?"

Dammit, I can't ignore challenges. Specially when someone start to provoke me. And he knew it. But for some reason I was hesitating in compete in this case.

I didn't responded to him. And he only started to smirk even more.

"Well, I didn't heard a no. If you change your mind, you can talk with me anytime. Or maybe not. I'll know if you changed your mind by your obvious actions~" He started walking away. But then he stopped and looked at me.

"This time, what I am fighting for is really important to me. So I won't let you win. Not now, not ever." And started to walk again, leaving me alone.

Jimin POV

I was talking with Jungkook and getting to know him more, when Taehyung came back... Alone.

"Where's Hoseok?" We asked.

"Hum...? I thought He had already arrived before me." He got surprised.

Me and Jungkook looked at each other. We took some time until we realized...

Hoseok POV

I was walking without destiny inside the shopping but somehow with a strange feeling. After talking with Taehyung, I started to feel like I was forgetting something... I wonder what...

And then I stopped and realized...


Jimin POV

Both me and Jungkook face palmed at the same time. Taehyung still didn't knew what we were thinking but he already could guess.

"He forgot me..." Jungkook sighed.

"And then he says that I am the one who always forget everything..." I muttered a little pissed and started to curse Hoseok in my mind.

"Jimin, we have to go now." Taehyung said.

"Already? Ok." I stood up and walked next to Taehyung. "See you later, Kookie~" I smirked.

"Don't call me that!" He shouted angry.

"Yeah, yeah. See you in school." I waved my hand smiling.

"Hmph..." He turned away his head. I chuckled. And when we were about to start to walk away, he called Taehyung's name.

"Yeah?" Taehyung asked him as he turned back.

"I need to talk with you later. Next afternoon in school." He said with a serious, and maybe even angry, look.

He nodded and we finally left. After a while, I was about to ask him why they were going to meet in school after, but Taehyung somehow had an expression that was saying he was totally clueless too. I just chuckled.

"Hey, why are you laughing?" He asked after noticing I was chuckling.

"Nothing, nothing."

"Liar." He turned his head away and I laughed again. Then we left the shopping and walked home.

Suga POV

Well, I wasn't expecting this. Coming to the shopping today didn't ended up by being boring as usual. Actually it ended up by being really interesting. To think that I would see them...

I started smirking.

"So is that guy... You should had hide him better... Taehyung ~"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Dammit, I didn't had any ideas for this chapter in the beginning and I wasn't liking the ideas that I was getting by the way. e.e' I even rewrote the story behind Hoseok's past three times until I got at least a bit satisfied. XD So, I hope this chapter didn't disappoint you and that you liked it. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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