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Taehyung POV

I lost all my appetite after what happened and didn't finished the cereal. I just cleaned the bowl and scratched my head as I started thinking.

"Jimin is totally playing with me... But if I do something against it... What would happen? And how much would...?" I thought frowning without realizing. "Wait, why am I having this thoughts?! Nothing would happen if I decide to do something against Jimin... Right...? I think I should just don't think about it..."

As I walked in the living room, I saw Jimin lying in the couch.. Still without shirt... I just looked away because I knew he was like that in purpose to provoke me. And as usual he was occupying all the couch.

"Can you please give me some space or what? This couch is not only yours." I said impatiently.

He took his legs from the couch and put them in the floor... Well only for a moment, because when I sat he putted his legs above me.

"Hey, take your legs off me!"

"No." He stuck his tongue out.

"Ah yeah?" I said frowning but starting to smirk too. Then I pushed him from the couch, making him fall in the floor. Right away, I laid in the couch, having all the space for me, without giving time to him do anything against.

"Ouch." He scratched his head. "You damn..." He stood up not with a happy face.

"Get off!" He said trying to pulling me off from the couch, but I wasn't going anywhere. "Tsk, you don't leave that many choices." Then he moved on top of me. "I'll you leave the couch or should I make you do it?" He got closer with a evil smile.

"Then, try." I said grabbing softly his cheek and caressing it, to provoke him. But somehow he didn't react as I was expecting him to.

"You..." He said with a expression of shook. I didn't said anything, waiting to him to finish his sentence.

"Never mind." He said getting off of me and standing up. "You can have the couch for now."

"Really?" I got surprised by his action.

"Yeah." He said angry.

"Thanks~" I gave him a smug smile, before he disappeared really pissed going to his bedroom.

I laughed. In the end I ended up by getting the couch and that make happy, even because I managed to take it from Jimin. But something was troubling me...

"Why did he react like that...?"

Jimin POV

Oh fuck, oh fuck. I think Taehyung was the one that touched me last time in the nurse office! It can't be! I have to be wrong! I am wrong! But... His touch was so warm like last time... It was exactly like before...

"Jimin, stop thinking in those things!" I said myself. "You should only focus in taking him from the first place!"

Ah, yeah... I still need to do that. That's my main reason why I am getting around Taehyung. So, I think I'll use this day to continue doing that.

"Hey, do you have anything to do this afternoon?" I started talking as I got downstairs in the living room and saw him still in the couch.

"No. Why you ask?"

"Do you want take a walk with me? I don't have anything to do too."

"And why should I go?"

"I will give you a copy."

"Ok, then." He slightly smirked, but I ignored.

"Then, in thirty minutes we will go. Get ready."

Taehyung POV

I nodded and went to the bathroom take a shower and dress my clothes.

When i was ready, Jimin already had changed his clothes. He was wearing a white shirt, a black jacket on top of it, jeans and black converses. It suited really well on him... Well, anything suits well on his body... Wait, what did I meant with that?! Ah, is better don't even ask to myself...

"Well, is good to know you are going with a shirt." I said ironically.

"Why? Didn't you liked seeing me without it?" He gave a evil smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Then where are we going?" I asked as we started leaving the dorm.

"To a shopping near by. We will eat there too."

I nodded and he started walking side by side. We stayed in quiet as usual. We didn't know what to talk and we had a awkward atmosphere.

Jimin POV

"So... Why did you invited me?" He tried to make conversation.

"Everyone goes to that shopping, especially students. So will be a opportunity to make look bad in front of everyone." I said sincerely.

"Damn, you only can think about that?"

"Let me think..." I started to pretend that was thinking. "...Yeah." I smirked.

"Good to know..." He rolled his eyes. I chuckled and for some reason he started smiling. Not with his fake smile, but somehow with a beautiful smile. I stayed staring at him in shock.

"Hum... What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I hided my shock stopping to look at his eyes and only facing straight. And then the awkward atmosphere came back again. But fortunately he arrived in the shopping.

"Wow." Taehyung's eyes started to spark with enthusiasm as he we entered in the shopping.

"For someone that only came because the copy, you are really enjoying." I smirked. But Taehyung didn't cared with my comment. He was really happy. And that for some reason was making me happy too...

Taehyung POV

I noticed that Jimin was somehow genuinely smiling while was looking at me.

"Jimin has such a beautiful eye smile..." I thought. He stayed looking at each others eyes for a while and I think I started blushing slightly.

"W-well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." I said stuttering.

"Yeah." He continued smiling.

And he grabbed my wrist and we went inside the shops.


New chapter. \(*-*)/ For now on, I think I won't be able to update at Tuesdays and maybe at Fridays because of my schedule. TT-TT Sorry. TT-TT But at least, I managed to update today, right? ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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