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Do you like my drawing? *-* It took me so much time!!! >-< But I think it was worth it. TTuTT

When I finish this fanfic, I will draw Jimin. *-*

(And damn... This title... e.e')


Hoseok POV

"Jungkook...?" I asked with a shocked expression and he took some steps back, regretting everything that he had just done.

"A-Ah... Sorry... Forget it... I'm just too stupid, idiot and hopeless to think that you would love me back right away... I'm just too selfish that I even took Jimin away from you, just to have the opportunity and chance to make you mine... I'm the worst... In the end, I'm only hurting you..." He lowered with his head, with a ironic, sad and broken smile.

"I wanted to make you forget Jimin and your love towards him, but I guess I hit really low for that, didn't I...? I don't deserve to be the one making you forget Jimin... I don't deserve be the one making you forget the feelings that you have for him... And I don't deserve be the one making you fall in love again... So, don't worry... I won't bore anymore... You won't have to deal with me from now on... So..." He bit his lip and frowned at the same time, before giving me a fake smile and starting to walk away.

"... Bye..." He muttered, already with his back facing me.

What?! No! What was he doing?! What was he talking?! Am I going to lose him too now?! How the hell did this started?! How did I started losing everyone?! I don't want lose any more people that are important to me... I don't want to be all alone...

I ran after him and hugged him from behind. I knew that he wasn't expecting my sudden actions, but he didn't push me off. He only moved carefully his hands towards mine and, intertwining our fingers gently, and stayed quiet, waiting for me to say something, to break that painful atmosphere and silence around us...

"Don't go..." I started talking weakly, while I stroke my face in his back... "I don't want to be alone... Just stay here... I don't care about what you done or what your intentions. Make whatever you want with me! Make me forget Jimin! Make me fall in love with you! Make me yours! So, please... Just don't leave me..." I said, tightening the hug and starting to shake without wanting. Only some moments after, he pushed me away gently and carefully, to be able to turn towards me, facing me, to then continue the hug from before.

"Can I really do that...? Even if I don't deserve...?" He asked with a faint and painful smile and I hummed back.

"Ok, Hoseok I promise... I won't leave you... I won't go anywhere without you... I will always stay by your side..." He kissed my forehead and, without me even noticing, some tears started rolling down in my cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry... I don't like to see you like that... You are way beautiful when he you smile..." He said, wiping my tears.

"Why do you love me...? I'm no good... You could easily find better..." I whispered, now sobbing.

"No, Hoseok... I don't want someone better or anyone else..."

"...I want you."

Taehyung POV

I decided to just get back to the dorm. I walked slowly, with hope that I could find Jimin by the way... But as the time passed, I ended up by arriving to the dorms all alone...

"Please, Jimin... Please be inside the dorm, stubbornly sleeping in the couch like you always do, even when I told you to not... Let me see you... Let me talk to you... Let me touch you... Let me be on your side..." I murmured and opened the door, revealing a empty dorm and with the lights off, only with a weak flight entering from outside.

He wasn't there...

I walked slowly, turned the lights on and sat in the couch. I sighed. What should I do now...? I was alone... I didn't know where Jimin could be by now... And I didn't know if you would even come back...

After some moments looking to the wall, still thinking deeply, still with a big frown, I decided to go inside Jimin's bedroom, without really having a reason... It's just... That Jimin was everything that I could think in now... And that his bedroom was the closest thing I had to him...

I got upstairs and looked inside the bedroom. It was very clean, for my surprise. And it seemed more empty at first, but it must had been only my impression...

I sat in the edge of the bed, before letting my body fall slowly on it. I got one of his pillows closer to me and started hugging it, stroking my face in it and inhaling the scent from it. It had Jimin's smell... If only I could get to know better that scent in person, when I would be hugging and touching him... If only Jimin was here...

I started sobbing, but, then, by the corner of the eye, I noticed a piece of paper on Jimin's secretary... I stood up and walked next to it, to start reading it. It had "To: Taehyung" written in the front and I started opening and examining the paper.

"Hi, Tae... If you are reading this, it's because I finally made my decision... So... Sorry for everything, Tae... I never wanted this to happen and to everything between us to end like this..." What...? End...? "I really love you, so, I won't hurt you anymore... I won't bore you anymore... You won't have to deal with me anymore..." What...? What was he talking about...? Jimin...? "I will get off of your life as you said me to... And I don't know if we'll ever talk again, but..."


"Tae... You would end up by knowing this later, but I want to tell it the sooner possible... So... Yeah... What I want to tell you is..."


"I'm leaving this school and moving away next week..."


"So, goodbye, my beloved Tae..."






"...My number one..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Where the hell are the cute Vmin moments? TT-TT I miss them. TT-TT

And I don't ship JungHope (I don't even know if that's how it's called e.e'), but I didn't want to leave Jhope and Kookie with no one. TT-TT I hope that you don't hate it. TT-TT

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

Number One | VminWhere stories live. Discover now