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Jimin POV

"Are you ready to go?" I heard Suga shouting from downstairs.

We decided to go to the shopping center nearby and I tried to wear something casual... Well, to not said that I just picked up the first clothes that I saw in front of me...

I dressed one white v collar-shaped shirt and blue jeans. In the end, I put my black converses, looking after to my reflex in the mirror.

"I think that I'm showing too much skin with this shirt..." I muttered as I looked to my shoulders and to my collarbone that the shirt was leaving too much exposed. "Should I change to another one...?" I wondered and noticed after, in the mirror, Suga's reflex. I looked behind me and noticed him staring at me with a strange expression and with his eyes fulfilling with not good intentions... And, as that wasn't enough, he smirked and bit his lower lip after, as he was trying to contain himself of doing something to me...

"Ok, I'm going to change again." I said a little pissed off, as I guessed what were his thoughts. But, before I could even walk away to pick up a new shirt, he held my hand, pulling closer to him.

"No, no. It's okay like that. We should had already left a while a go. Let's just go." He said and dragged me out of there, with a big smirk growing in his face, that I tried to ignore.


We started walking side by side to the shopping. It was so nice to feel the sunlight and that calm breeze in my face again, after those days locked in that depressive room with a heavy atmosphere. I guess that I was really needing this...

I looked to Suga and he was smiling at the sky and after at me... His smile was cute and actually made me blush for some moments... But then... Why was I feeling this piercing pain in my chest...? Something was wrong, wasn't it...? It felt like I wanted someone else special to me to be here, in Suga's place... To be smiling at me, like Suga was doing... But I guess that person wasn't here...


We arrived at the shopping and my stomach started rumbling really loud, that even Suga heard it. I guess that the breakfast hasn't been enough for my stomach, as I didn't had eaten anything yesterday...

"Someone's hungry~" He said playfully.

"Shut up." I responded back and he laughed. "OK, ok. Let's get just something to eat." He held my hand and dragged me to the restaurants' section. Weird... When did he started holding my hand so many times...? And why anyway...? Why was he holding my hand so gently and carefully...? Why wasn't he acting all cold with me like before...?


We ate hamburgers and fries quietly, as we didn't had anything to say. I avoided making eye contact with him and just stared at my food. But then, he must had noticed that, because he leaned in my direction, lifted up my head with his finger and gave me a quick peek in my lips. After that, he sat down again on his chair and, weakly and faintly, smiled at me. But right away his smile faded.

"Sorry... You can hate me... I won't blame you... I deserve to be hated by everyone and to end up all alone... I screwed up so much and did so many horrible things to you and everyone... I don't deserve to be around you... I don't deserve to be next to anyone..." He said and lowered.

Oh... Suga...

...Was like me... He had hurt everyone around him and was all alone now... And, even regretting everything and wanting to change, he couldn't and had to bare with the weight of the consequences of his actions and mistakes... Just like me... Looking at him was like looking myself in a mirror... And to see him - or "me" - like that was hurting me... And a lot...

"Look how pathetic I am. One day I was about to rape you and now I'm all weak in front of you. So hopeless! Who was even expecting this?! Who was expecting a fucking idiot, totally emotionless, cold and without any emotions, to actually feel regret and sadness?! No one!" He said ironically, laughing sarcastically at his own sad and hopeless figure. But he stopped right away, to look blankly at the floor with really pitiful eyes.

"Suga..." I started, muttering quietly.

I didn't know what to do anymore... I didn't want to see him like that, even after what he had done to me... I could hate his past self, but now I could only feel pity towards him... He seemed to really regret what he had done... So... I may regret this decision, but I guess I will be true to myself, true to my really naive and idiot self, and...

"... I forgive you..." I finished my sentence and he looked shocked and with his eyes widened, as wasn't expecting that answer. "What?! Really?!" He asked and I nodded hesitantly, receiving a true smile from him.

"Ok, but I won't accept your forgiveness just yet. I still don't deserve it. I want to win it from you, all by myself. So, wait a little longer for me... Please...?" He told me and I nodded, smiling at him and receiving a cute and little smile back. Then, we continued eating, but now with a lighter atmosphere and actually talking with each other...


"Let's go to that shop." Suga pointed to a shop with cute accessories to phones and to use in other things... That was the same shop that I had went with Tae before... I didn't want to go there... I didn't want to remember any good moments that I had with him... It would only hurt me... I'm too afraid to get even more hurt than how much I am already...

I grabbed his jacket's sleeve and muttered weakly "I don't want to go there...", making him look at me with a surprised expression, but after with a comprehensive smile. "Ok, let's go there then." He pointed to another store and held my hand, dragging me inside.

I sighed in relief as he got inside. And, actually, that store reminded me that I still had the accessory that Tae gave me last time... (N/A: I had totally forgot about that accessory... e.e' XD)

While Suga started looking to some clothes, I took my phone off my pocket and started glaring to that cute strawberry ice cream that was now hanging in the middle of the air... I wonder if Tae still has the one that I bought to him... I doubt it... Why would he keep it anyway...?

Maybe I should threw it away too... It doesn't have any meaning for me now... It's just an accessory like any other. There's no reason for me to keep it... Right...? I don't know... Actually, I don't know and don't want to know... But...

...This may only give sadness and make me even more broken, but...

...I think I will just keep it for a little longer...


We finished buying clothes and we left the last shop. I actually enjoyed today more than I was expecting. And Suga is way nicer now and really fun to have around! People can actually change for better, can't they? So, for short, it had been such a great day...!



...Or, at least, that was what I thought, because, right away,...

...I realized...

...That the day was still just beginning...


...That I had screwed really badly...












New chapter. \(*-*)/ I don't have school until 10.30 am today! ~(*-*~) (~*-*)~ Yupi! \(*-*)/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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