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Taehyung POV

As I arrived at my dorm, I went to my bedroom and jumped to my bed. I actually have particular a dorm only for me. I just needed to ask to the Director and he gave me right away. One of the qualities of everyone liking you and being popular.

I started to laugh when I remembered everything that just happened a while ago.

"I loved Jimin's face. I can't wait until tomorrow to look to his face and see all those expressions again." I said to myself still laughing. "I told I would had revenge. Now it's my turn to play."

As I was getting air from all the laughs, I put my hand in my jacket's pocket. And right away, I had a mini heart attack.

"Oh, no! Where did I leave "it"?" I asked myself already panicking.

"Maybe it just in the floor or under the bed." I started searching. Well, it wasn't, unfortunately. That's not good news....

"Dammit, I must had drop "it" at school in evening, because at lunch I still had "it"." I thought scratching my head. "Now I can't go there, because school is already closed. If only there was the Janitor, I could persuade him to open for me. He likes me (everyone does), so I could make him open it for me easily. But at this time, he must already had left school."

I sighed. "I guess, before making fun of Jimin, I'll have to search for it tomorrow."

"Well one don't have to take the fun from the other." I thought with a smirk growing up.

But even with the smirk, I was worry. I really need to find "it"... I hope no one found "it" already...

I had dinner and went back to my bed again. I kept with same thoughts from before, still worry and happy. Until I ended up by falling asleep.

~ Ring ~ ~Ring ~

I smashed the alarm. This thing stress me all out. I really need to change my alarm or I will continue to have heart attacks every morning and end up by dying someday. (N/A: Literally me. XD)

Today will be a different day. And somehow that terrifies me and also make me laugh, both for different reasons.

I took a shower, dressed me and took breakfast. Somehow I was more energetic than usual. And that is hard to happen. Today will be interesting.

I arrived at school early to have more time to search for "it". "Which places did I go in the evening?" I asked myself. Ah, I remembered. Only the classroom and the hallway.

I decided to look in the hallway first and saw someone in the distance. "Who would be here this early?" I thought.

As I kept walking, I was getting more close to that person and was more clear to see who it was. At some point, I could already tell who it was. Jimin!

"Wow, you really had the courage to show your face after yesterday? Or did you forget everything? If so, I can refresh your memory."

"No, I actually remember everything and what you said. But who needs to refresh the memory is someone else, someone that forgot "this" here. Do you know "him"?"

I got terrified when saw him holding "it". Of all persons, it had to be him find "it"?! I can really have the worst luck. If is not that, he is really lucky. Too much lucky for me.

"Oh, so this block note is yours." Jimin smirked as he kept shaking the notebook in the air. "I wasn't expecting something yours would have this "content" write in." He said ironically.

"You looked inside?" I said pissed.

"You are really into games, aren't you? You must like to play for create this "game". A "game" where you make people fall in love with you, then rejecting, but still give them hope to see what happens from there. Such a playboy." He said playing with his voice to piss me more.

Dammit, he was enjoying every moment of this.

"Anyway...You will give it back to me, won't you?" I said pinning him against the wall for making sure he wasn't going anywhere. "I will make you regret if you don't. I will take everything from you, even that one friend, and I will change him."

"Do you think you would manage to take him from me and change after he discovers this? But I don't worry, I won't let you even try."

Then he threw at me some paper sheets. I picked one from the floor. It was copies from by notebook.

"You son of a..."

He only gave a cocky smile.

"What do you want?" I said frowning.

"Give up from the first place. Give up and stop being the number one."

"Why do you keep wanting to take my place? You should just give up. You won't will able to do it now neither ever."

"I don't want to take your place. I only want to take you from your place."


"For a person that doesn't care about me, you are really curious." He smirked again.

"Aff." I sighed. "Even, if you try you won't be able to change anything anyway."

"Then start spending time with me. People already hate me, so with a little luck, they start to hate you to and will stop giving attention. And we already noticed that I have luck so we never know what can come from this." He said full of himself.

"Let's play a game. Every day you spend with me I'll give you a copy. I have 10 copies, so it'll be 10 days."

"And how I will know that you don't have more and you aren't just telling?" I suspected.

"I'm a man of word. And I don't need to lie, because in the end, when I finished giving all the pages, you already lost your first place."

"Hum..." I started smirking. "Then, bring on."


New chapter \(*-*)/. What should I write here? :P I'll think next time... Or maybe not. e.e

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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