False hopes

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Taehyung POV

"Finally..." He said as I arrived.

"Finally?! What do you mean by that?! Is your fault that I ended up by arriving late. Next time at least say where we are going to meet!" I said angry.

"Oh... I forgot..." He realized and laughed nervously. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway..." He changed the subject and started giving a serious expression. "Do you know why did I told you to meet me here, in the school's rooftop?"

"Yeah, "told"." I said ironically and he rolled his eyes. "But anyway... No."

"Because is here where you most rejected people, but still giving them hollow and fake hopes." His expression changed from a serious to an angry one. I didn't say anything but I was actually surprised for him knowing that. He continued.

"You are such a playboy! You don't even have the courage to just say no to them and you only keep hurting everyone that, for some unknown reason, likes you!" He stopped for some moments to try to calm down before continuing.

"There was a friend of mine that was rejected here too... But when I asked him about how went his confession, he gave me a faint smile, telling me that you rejected him, but that you said that you could ended up by liking him in the future. I knew that wouldn't happen and he knew that too, but he kept believing. He only would get hurt in the end, but he insisted in believing..." He lowered his head as he kept remembering and telling me everything.

Oh... So was with his friend that I start playing my "game"....

"And that was beginning of everything. You started meeting people here and giving them false hopes. Over and over..." He started to frown.

"Sorry if your friend and everyone started to love me. There's no much I can do about it." I said with a smirk and he frowned really badly. "Did you make me come here only to say that?"

"No, I actually made you come here to warn you that I'll change this. I won't let anyone get closer to you, I won't let anyone else fall in love with you again. And I'll be sure that you be all alone, without someone to play with. And that includes especially taking away Jimin from you, that has been around you ultimately."

Actually, I didn't care about what he was saying in the beginning, but, when he said the last part, I felt a sudden anguish for some reason. However I didn't question that feeling and the why of it. I tried to just ignore it.

"Hmph... Whatever. Why would I want to Jimin around me anyway?" I turned my face away.

"Really? That's good to know. Because I will make sure that the one that gets Jimin is Hoseok."

"What?!" I got surprised for him knowing about Hoseok liking Jimin.

"You heard me. Hoseok actually didn't tell me and, even the last time I asked if he liked Jimin, he negated and changed subject. But he can't lie to me. I already know him too well and his actions denounce everything he thinks. He's not even a good liar too. So, recently, I realized that he actually likes him. I wish he just had said it openly to me, but anyway... I will take Jimin from you and give him to Hoseok." He said starting to walk away.

Nothing that was happening was making sense to me. I wasn't expecting us have this kind of conversation and to Jungkook say these things...

"At least, that way I'll be sure that no one will play with Jimin and Hoseoks' feelings. And like that, both will be happy. Not only Hoseok, but Jimin too." He stopped right in the exit. "There's the hint. I hope you get it and realize that things will change from now on. Don't say later that I didn't warn you. See you later." He waved his hand and left the rooftop.

Fuck... Why am I feeling so bad now...? What is this feeling...? Anger...? Rage...? No, not only that... Something more...


Don't tell me... Fear?! It can't be fear! I never felt fear before! "Well, except that one time in the past..." I bit my lower lip as I remembered without wanting.

And why would I feel now?! There's no reason for that! If Jungkook takes Jimin away from me or if Hoseok wins him in the end, has nothing to do with me... I think... But is not as they will manage to do that anyway!

"Look! The playboy that gives false hopes to everyone, gives them to himself too. So hopeless." I heard a voice in my head saying that to me. (N/A: This time, it wasn't me saying... e.e I think... e.e) But I ignored it. Listening to those thoughts wouldn't help in anything now.

I got back to my classroom. There wasn't anyone there anymore. Everyone already had left. Actually all school was deserted now, I couldn't see any student or teacher walking by. Somehow it was calming to be there all alone seeing the sunset. That was exactly what I needed after this "long" day.

I sat in the garden outside and admired the sun disappearing in the horizon and that sky with beautiful tones of orange. I wanted to touch it. I screeched my hand towards it, but I couldn't reach it... I kept my hand in the air for a while, before I let it fall in the my lap.

"Now I have to go." I thought, letting a little smile as goodbye to all that beauty surrounding me. I stood up and turned my back to everything I was just looking fascinated before, starting to walking away to the dorms.


New chapter. \(*-*)/ We finally got to know why Kookie hates Taehyung. \(*-*)/ So... e.e You better watch out now, Taehyung. e.e Something tells me that Kookie wasn't kidding. e.e

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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