Ignoring me

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Jimin POV

I started walking to school in slow pace. I really didn't want to go to school today - I mean even less than usually - and I was really nervous for whatever could happen today... Mainly for meeting and talk with Taehyung... But that's something I really need to do... It's something that I would do!

In the entrance, I met with Suga. He gave me his simple, but beautiful, smile, and I tried to fake one back. But I guess it got too obvious, because he got surprised with my expression and lost his smile.

"What happened?" He asked, as he was sure and knew really well that something was troubling me. Damn... Am I losing the capacity to lie to others or what?!

"Nothing..." I lied and turned my face away.

"Liar. Just tell me." He said, stopping in my front and grabbing softly my shoulders, to make me stop walking and to look at him. I sighed in surrender. I knew that, even for how much stubborn I was, people could take whatever they wanted from me or make me say whatever they wanted me to say, in the end. Leaving all my fight and stubbornness, during the discussion, pointless. That started to happen recently and it was already pissing me off really badly! I should do something about that. But, now, I guess I can't, because I think that Suga won't let me go without telling the truth to him... Dammit...

"It's just that I got in a really bad fight with Taehyung yesterday and we haven't talked since then..." I ended telling him the truth and scratched my head.

"Oh... Is that so..." He took his hands away from my shoulders and moved to my side. We started right away walking side by side quietly, before he started talking again to break that silence that was starting to get insupportable.

"Don't worry that I'm sure that everything will end okay. You will see that, after all this, everything will get to normal and you guys will start to talk with each other without any awkwardness, like you always have done before. So don't worry." He gave me his cute smile again, trying to cheer up my mood.

"Yeah... I hope so... Thanks to cheer me up, Suga..." I gave him a weak smile and he ruffled my hair playfully.

We walked to the classroom and, by the way, I think I saw Hoseok. But when I tried to call his name, he didn't look at me and even ignored me, walking away from us. Weird... I was sure that that person was Hoseok... So why did he ignored me...? Maybe I mistake him with someone else. Yeah, maybe...

But when I was wondering about what had just happened, something else caught my attention. When I looked to my side, I saw Suga slightly smirking for some reason. Did he knew that person? And was that person really Hoseok? And, if so, how do they know each other...?

However, even with all those things and questions troubling me in my mind, I decided to not question him about it.

When we arrived at my classroom, I saw Taehyung sitting in his place and we made eye contact. I gulped nervously and he gave some glances to Suga that was still with me and clenched his teeth with anger, before locking his gaze again in me. But, right away, he turned his head to the window, looking outside and pretending that I wasn't there. Aff... He already started ignoring me...

I said goodbye to Suga and he walked away to his classroom. I entered in my classroom and sat in my place, without taking my eyes of Taehyung. I knew he had heard my footsteps getting close to him and me dragging my chair to sit in it, but he didn't look at me even once. He was really ignoring me...

"Taehyung..." I whispered his name in a tentative to get his attention, but, even having heard me, he kept looking outside.

"Taehyung." I said more loudly and started poking him. And I knew that he was getting really pissed off and that he was already done with me, but he still kept without turning his head in my direction. I was getting impatient and pissed off too, because he was obviously ignoring me, as he wasn't even trying to be discreet or anything! That stubborn dumbass!

"Tae-!" I was about to shout out loud when the teacher arrived. Dammit... Why is everything and everyone against me...? Why do I always lose the opportunity to talk with him...? I think I should make him talk with me later...


~ Ding dong ~

And the boring lesson finally ended... It passed even more slowly this time, as I had so many things troubling me and occupying my mind, not in the best way. And now it was my opportunity to talk with Taehyung! It had to be now!

"Hey, Taehyung..." I said weakly, but he didn't responded.. I tried to call his name several times, but he kept ignoring me.

"Taehyung...?" I stretched my hand and started caressing his cheek, but, right away, he hit it away, without even looking at me. I sighed and, as I saw Suga already in the entrance waiting for me, I decided to just give up for now and to go have lunch in the canteen.

"See you later, Taehyung..." I mumbled and left his side, walking next to Suga.

I walked side by side with Suga, in slow pace. The atmosphere around us wasn't the best, as we could feel the obvious awkwardness. And I knew that he could see my sadness really easily and that was troubling him too.

"So... You still didn't managed talk with Taehyung and he keeps ignoring you...?" He ended up breaking the silence, saying that as a guess, and I nodded. He patted in my head and gave me a smile, saying to me to not worry, in a try to cheer me up. I smiled back weakly and we made our way to the canteen with the same awkward silence from before.


As we finished having lunch, we walked back to our classroom. I didn't saw Hoseok anywhere in school during the day, and, for how much I kept looking around me and searching for him, I couldn't find him.. Where could he be...?

Before I could even continue making more questions to myself, I saw a figure in the distance walking towards me in really quick pace, almost running. He moved closer to me and now I could finally see who was that person. It was Taehyung! And he didn't look happy at all...

He stopped right in front of me. I wanted to tell him something, anything, and to get free from those cold and piercing stares that he was giving me. But, before I could let the words come out off my mouth, he suddenly grabbed my wrist, dragging me away from Suga, and don't even looking back to me or to Suga again.

"Taehyung!" I shouted his name, but he didn't answer me. He only tightened even more his fist in my wrist, but this time careful to not hurt me, and kept dragging me away from there. But as we kept walking, he started to loosen my wrist in his hand and to walk slowly. Then he finally stopped in front of me, without turning around or saying a word, but still grabbing my wrist to not let me go.



New chapter. \(*-*)/ Tests will start next week! TT-TT Noooooooo! TT-TT And I think that they will slow my writing. TT-TT Or maybe not, because I'm too lazy to study. e.e' At least, next week, you won't need to worry, because, of those four tests that I'll have, three of them I never need to study for. ^-^ So, fortunately, it won't make too difference for now. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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