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Jimin POV

I woke up in a peaceful morning, with the sunlight hitting my face. Today was a new day... And, even being half asleep, it didn't took too long for me to start remembering everything…

I sighed.

So much had happened yesterday… With Suga… And mainly with Taehyung… But now I wasn't even thinking in Suga’s case… It was Taehyung that was troubling me the most… I couldn’t stop thinking in what he did… Thinking in what he said… Thinking in him... Yeah, he was right… He said that he would take over mind… And so he did...

- Flashback -

“...I love you…” He whispered.

“W-What?! What are you talking about…?” I asked surprised and he grabbed my shirt with his fists, tightening them.

“Don’t you get it…? I said that I love you…” He repeated and sank his head in my chest, still shaking.

“Tae… You don’t really love me… It’s just that you are drunk and that’s messing all up with your mind and feelings…” I told him. Yeah… There was no way that he loved me… There was no way that everything that he was saying was true… So... I shouldn’t get my hopes up...

“No! It’s not the alcohol that it’s messing up with me, Jimin! It’s you…” He said the last part almost in a whisper.

“B-But…” I was about to get the words to say, when interrupted me.

“Do you know how bad I felt when you kept insisting in trust in Suga and not in me?! How much it hurted me to know that Suga managed to touch you by force?! How much troubled me seeing you going out with Suga or Hoseok?! I am always thinking that you should only be mine! If this isn’t love, what is it?! Am I only hurting myself for no reason?! Is that what are you saying?! Idiot!” He yelled at me and started punching softly, repeatedly and weakly in my chest. But he stopped right away, to get me in his embrace.

“Jimin…” He lowered his head and hugged me tightly. But before letting me even hug him back, he got me in a sincere kiss. And, of course, I kissed him back, making our lips move perfectly in sync. Only some moments later, he separated our lips to start to talk again.

“See? I wouldn’t kiss someone that I didn’t really like.”

“Really? Aren’t you supposed to be a playboy? So, it would be easy for you to kiss someone or to even do everything that you just did to me a while ago, wouldn’t it?” I said looking away, as I was still blushing from the kiss. But, from the corner of my eye, I saw him with a shocked expression and with his eyes widened and empty, as I had broke him. Fuck, why did I had to say that?!

“JImin… Is that the image that you have from me… Am I only a playboy for you…?” He asked as he was almost about to cry. “So, you don’t feel the same as me… We don’t share the same feeling, right…? Then… Forget everything! Forget today! I will forget everything anyway, as, when I get drunk, I never remember anything the next day… So, tomorrow, I will see today as a day like any other… A boring day from my boring routine… And I won’t had touched you like I did today… I won’t had kissed you like I did today… I won’t had said that I love you like I did today… So, you should the same and forget everything...” He bit his lower lip after, as he started feeling really bad and sad after hearing that coming from him.

“Just forget it, okay…? This didn’t even mean anything to you anyway, right…? So, it will be easy to you… But thanks anyway… Thanks for letting me touch you and kiss you… I always wanted to do that… I only wish that I could do that more times...” He started standing up and getting away from me, with a broken smile.

“Ah, and another thing... Can you make me a favor...? Please tell me later that you don’t love me, okay…? I don’t want to keep hurting myself… It’s better if I just get to know the painful truth and the sad reality the sooner possible...” He gave me a weak smile, to suppress the tears that were ready to drip at any time. He started walking away, but I grabbed his wrist, pulling him in a hug.

“Tae… What the hell are you saying…?” I stroked my head in his shoulder, wrapping gently my arms around his waist.

“...I love you too…”

“...But I need you to tell me again that you love me, but, next time, when you are sober and have your mind in place… Or I won’t never be sure if you really feel the same thing towards me…”

“B-But I think that I won’t say it too soon… I’m always afraid to say that I love you… It can take so much time to come the day when I finally get the courage to say it to you...”

“Don’t worry. I’ll wait for you.” I kissed in his cheek and wiped carefully and gently, with my finger, the tear that was now rolling down in his cheek.

“You promise…?” He asked, locking his gaze in me and hugging me tighter.

“Yes, I promise....”

- End of flashback -

And here I am now… Looking to my reflex, tired, as I didn’t slept well after everything that happened yesterday. I glanced at my neck full of hickeys. I pressed my fingers softly in them and blushed. How was I supposed to hide them? They were really obvious and my shirt wasn’t enough to cover them… I decided to pick up a scarf and to wear it. I looked to my reflex in the mirror, fixing everything, to make sure that they would be totally covered. And only when I was totally sure they weren’t visible to anyone’s eyes, I walked downstairs. I looked around, searching for Taehyung, and I saw him in the kitchen already having breakfast… And it seems thinking really deeply too…

“Good morning, Tae...” I said, trying to hide all those strange feelings that I was having in seeing him, and to suppress them inside. And he gave me a more shocked and weird expression after.

“Weird… Why don’t I remember anything that happened after you left the dorm yesterday...? For how much I keep struggling to remember, anything comes to my mind… Why…? And when did you start calling me “Tae” anyway...? You never called me like that… Does that have anything to do with what I forgot from yesterday…?” He started making a lot of questions and I knew he was dying to get the answers. I sighed after seeing him reacting like that.

“So he had really forgot…” I thought to myself, as I got a little disappointed for seeing that Taehyung hadn't any memories from yesterday.

“Jimin… Please, tell me… Did something happened yesterday…?” He asked one more time and I smiled weakly to him.

“No… “It” never happened…”


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm having History test today. Wish me luck. >-<

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)
- Danielar

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