4 • She Could Send Some Adorable Selfies

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It had been a month since Lauren and I started to talk, and let me tell you now. I'm extremely thankful that my maths teacher gave me maths homework. If she didn't, I would have never tweeted Lauren and then we never would have talked for as long as we did.

In the past month, Lauren had gotten to know me better and vice versa. I discovered what type of person she was, which happened to be way more interesting to learn from herself instead of listening to Y/BF/N rant about her all the time, and I loved it.

Honestly? I didn't expect us to keep going for such a long time, but we did. Just when I thought she would forget about me and move on, I would receive a DM from her when I returned from school. I had to admit, it made me pretty excited to come back from school and see she messaged me.

Not only did I learn about her, but I learnt about her band mates which I remembered their names to be Normani, Ally, Camila and Dinah, and they all seemed like lovely girls. Lauren talked about them literally all the time, but I didn't mind because I could tell how much she loved them. It was cute.

I still hadn't told Y/BF/N about it and I could tell she was starting to get suspicious. She kept asking me why I was happy all of a sudden, though I didn't feel any different, and eventually, she thought I had a secret boyfriend that I was hiding from her. It was pretty funny because I had never ever dated so why would I hide that from her? I was sixteen for crying out loud.

I asked Lauren if she had told anyone about me, and she told me she hadn't. She didn't think she needed to; this surprised me a little because I thought she would tell her band mates immediately. Obviously not.

Anyway, it was now the weekend and I was currently at work. I worked at a charity shop as a volunteer, meaning I didn't get paid, but I didn't mind because it meant that I could put this on my CV, all whilst helping out the local community. It was a win-win situation, really.

"Thank you for the donation," I smiled kindly at the eight year old girl standing in front of the till. "I hope you have fun at your party!"

She grinned, showing off the adorable gaps in her teeth, before slipping away to the exit of the shop, where her mother was waiting for her. Once she left, the door clicked close and I sighed. Already I was bored. No one hardly came on a Sunday afternoon and it was just me working today. Of course my manager was upstairs, but she was busy with stock so I was practically alone doing nothing.

As I started to tap my fingernails on the glass case in front of me, I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket, signalling I had a message. Excited that I had something to do other than stand here, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, smiling when I saw it was a DM off Twitter. Lauren.

@laurenjauregui: hey, my British missus. What are you doing this fine Sunday afternoon? (Please say it's the afternoon there cause I keep forgetting the time difference lol)

I bit my lower lip to refrain from grinning like a manic. I don't know, but lately, she was really making my day. We got along so great and it felt awesome to know that I could be this comfortable with a stranger who was millions of miles away and who wasn't Y/BF/N.

@Y/T/N: yes, Lauren, it's the afternoon lol. And I'm working at the charity shop.

@Y/T/N: feeling extremely bored, might I add

I took a picture of the empty shop and sent it to her, before waiting patiently for a response. Unfortunately, the chime of a bell caused me to place my phone back in my pocket and look up, only to see an old woman walk in. This charity shop tended to gain the attention of the elderly a lot.

"Hi, can I help you?" I offered politely, smiling at her.

She gave a small smile in return before speaking slowly. "Hello, dear. I was wondering if it was possible you had any stockings?"

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