15 • They Were... Different

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"Why are you such a fast walker, Y/N?! You're getting harder to spot!" Camila's voice whisper-shouted through the phone.

I slowed down my pace and continued to make my route towards the food court. "Is that better for you? Or, should I hold up a huge neon sign with an arrow pointing to me?" Sarcasm was always my automatic defence and I couldn't help but use it at Camila at this moment.

There was no response, so I stopped for a moment and turned around to see the girls laughing at Camila who was playfully glaring my way. I'm assuming she told them what I said, which I'm guessing she regretted now. The phone was still held to her ear as she spoke.

"I don't remember being this sarcastic when I was sixteen."

I raised an eyebrow and a teasing smile formed on my lips. "And, I don't think I'm going to be this annoying when I'm eighteen, love."

The other girls watched Camila and kept shaking her shoulder, probably asking what I said. But, Camila held her stance and continued to playfully glare at me, sticking her tongue out for good measure. I returned the 'insult' and turned around to continue walking.

You see, after we finished our many failed games of mini golf, the girls wanted to eat lunch here. However, we couldn't all travel together through The Trafford Centre, because fans would see and I didn't want anyone to know I was with them - mostly for the fact that Y/BF/N would most likely find out and kill me. So, our alternative was for them to follow me at a distance as I led them to a good food place I know: Gourmet Burger Kitchen. Every so often, the girls would stop to take pictures, meaning I would have to wait for them patiently on the phone. But, as you can probably tell, Camila was getting a little edgy. I personally think it was because of her hunger.

"Okay, we're here," I smiled to myself. I stopped at the entrance of the food court and allowed the girls to take a look around.

There was a long hall that had various food places from different continents; the smell of freshly cooked continental food filled my nostrils. As we furthered into the long hall, it opened up into a larger hall that was bustling with people from everywhere and anywhere. All types of restaurants, takeaways and café's etcetera surrounded a small pool, and a huge monitor that played adverts, overlooked the whole thing. It was pretty cool and anyone would love it.

"This is so cool!" Camila squealed into the phone, earning a laugh from myself. "It looks awesome!"

"Yeah, well do you see in the right corner? That restaurant that says GBK and has a balcony as well?"


"Well, that's where I'm suggesting you girls eat," I continued. "It's the best place for burgers and I know you said you love pizza, but I thought you might want to try something different. What do you say?"

It was quiet for a moment, and I assumed she was telling the other girls of what I said. Finally, though, she replied.

"Yeah, that's fine. Lead the way, Y/N."

I did as she said and looped my way around the many other people that were here. The food court was always one of the busiest places, so I hoped that the girls wouldn't lose sight of me. Eventually, I stopped at the restaurant and saw that there was a relatively large queue.

"Wait where you are for a second, Camila," I spoke quietly into the phone.


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