8 • She Was Definitely Worth It

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I don't think I had ever ran to my room so fast in my life. I was extremely excited to ring Lauren, but at the same time, I was extremely nervous. I felt an immense ball of nerves creeping up in my stomach and I think it was because I was scared to mess up. I don't what exactly I could mess up, but I knew it would be something.

Maybe it was the fact that because I thought of her as an online friend, this was one step further in our friendship, and well, who didn't want to ring their online friends? I don't know, but I knew that my feelings were bitter sweet.

"Come on, Y/N," I muttered to myself, pacing up and down in my bedroom, my phone in hand. "Just click call."

I stopped pacing as I was beginning to give myself a headache, and looked down at my phone. The call button was mocking me, waiting for me to click it. All I had to do was tap it and then I was one step closer to hearing her voice. She was waiting for me. I needed to do this.

"It's now or never," I said quietly, before forcing myself to tap the call button.

Calling Love...

I bit my lip, hoping to contain my nerves, and placed my phone next to my ear. As I sat on my bed, the dial tone was ringing in my ear, signalling that the call was going through. My palms began to feel sweaty and my heart was racing in my chest. The longer the tone rang for, the more scared I felt. Eventually, it stopped ringing.


A deep, raspy voice echoed through the phone and into my ear, making me catch my breath at the sound. It was her. Yeah, I may have heard her voice before on a few interviews that Y/BF/N practically forced me to watch, but it wasn't the same as hearing it in person - well, almost in person.

"Um, hey, Lauren," I started nervously, taking a seat at the edge of my bed. "It's me, Y/N."

She didn't respond straight away, but I heard some shuffling on her end of the phone. Suddenly, a cute squeal of excitement came through the speaker.

"Oh my god, Y/N!" She said enthusiastically, her adorable American accent woven in the words. "I didn't look who called which is why I'm kind of shocked right now." She giggled at herself and I smiled at the sound, letting her continue. "But, I'm glad you called!"

I took a deep breath and began to fiddle with the hem of my tee shirt, hoping to get rid of any extra odd nervousness. "Yeah, me, too. You sound really different, you know."

"Thanks, I guess?" She laughed, and I'm so sure that my heart rate sped up as it echoed into my ear. "And, I guess I can say that you sound nothing like I expected."

I mocked her previous comment and said, "Thanks, I guess?" Her contagious laughter was heard and smiled to myself before continuing. "And, how did you expect me to sound, love?"

"I don't know," she admitted sheepishly. "But, I do know that you have the most adorable British accent ever."

"I can say the same about your American accent," I chuckled, beginning to feel more comfortable now. She was just like how she was over text, so I didn't feel any nervousness anymore.

"Well, I think yours is way better than mine," she pointed out, and even though I hadn't ever seen her in real to study her body language, I could almost sense the smile she was sending through the phone. "I could probably hear you speak all day, to be honest."

First she made me flustered over text, and now over the phone? I swear, this girl was something.

"Um, thanks," I laughed it off awkwardly.

"You're even cute on the phone," she said with amusement, only causing me to blush even harder.

"Anyway," I changed the topic immediately, not wanting to feel this awkward in my own bedroom, "how are you?"

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