13 • I Think Lauren Was Planning To Kill The Girls

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"We're in Manchester for the rest of the week and then we're going to London all next week."

Lauren's voice echoed through the phone and I hummed in response, finishing chewing the sandwich I was eating. I placed the remainder of the sandwich on the chipped plate before me, before speaking.

"I don't even get why you would want to be here for a week. There's not really much to do in Manchester."

Her giggle resonated in my mind as she said, "When you're from Miami and live in LA, anything is worth doing. Plus, the girls just like doing anything and everything they can do whilst they are here."

"Such as..?"

"Well," she sighed and I could sense the smile on her face, "DJ keeps making snapchats with Mani in front of anything that's not in America, Ally is still trying to get her head around the fact that you guys drive on the left side of the road and not the right, and Camz is trying to use any terms that are British with anyone she sees on the street. It's actually pretty scary."

I laughed at the image of all the girls doing this. Funnily, I wasn't even surprised because after everything I had heard about the girls, they seemed like they would do something like that.

"By the way, why is wanting to have a 'cheeky Nandos well pukka'?"

I spent the next minute laughing my head off at the complete and utter confusion that was laced in her voice. She tried to call my name to get my attention, but I was too busy wiping away the tears from my eyes. Finally, I calmed down.

"Did I say something wrong?"

I shook my head, despite her not being able to see. "No, love, but you said something really funny."

She huffed. "Well, Camila keeps saying it to me and it's annoying. She's really getting into the whole British slang thing."

I chuckled and played with the breadcrumbs in my plate. "Okay, so the girls all have something to do, but what about you?"

She sighed. "I don't know. We had the concert two days ago and then we had an interview yesterday, but now I'm bored. The others want to go Nandos tonight but I think they are getting ready to go for a stroll around Manchester now."

I opened my mouth to reply, but she cut me off immediately.

"Are you busy, Y/N?"

I looked down to my sandwich and thought about it. "It depends... Why?"

"Well... Do you want to maybe come with us? I'm thinking about it and well, this is probably the only time I'll be coming here in a very long time, so why not make the most of it?" She paused for a few seconds before continuing. "Also, I haven't seen you since the meet and greet and I never even got to greet you properly there because Y/BF/N."

The thought of seeing Lauren again made my stomach rise higher than a kite. I smiled to myself as I replied, "Sure! But, um, won't you guys have fans looking for you and stuff?"

"Don't worry about that," she said dismissively. "Big Rob can take care of them. And-"

"Hoi, Lo!"

Lauren stopped talking when a voice interrupted our conversation. I furrowed my eyebrows when I recognised it as Dinah. I swear, those girls always found a way to interrupt, didn't they?

I heard Lauren sigh from the other side of the phone. "What's wrong, Dinah?"

"We're going in five minutes. Are you coming?"


"Ooh, is that Y/N on the phone?!" Another voice interrupted, and I recognised it as Ally's.

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