28 • I Now Knew To Never Eat Normani's Chicken

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"Y/N, I'm serious."

"So am I, mum," I responded, laughing shortly afterwards. "You literally allowed me to come to America to pursue my dreams and you expect me to ask you for a seventeenth birthday present?"

My mum was on the phone with me, if it weren't obvious, and she would literally not stop bugging me about telling her what I wanted for my seventeenth birthday, which was next week. Was it that hard for her to understand that she had let me travel to America so I wasn't looking for anything else?

"You know what?"

"What?" I asked, smiling with amusement. I could tell that I was winding her up, and it was pretty funny.

"I'm going to surprise you, and I'm going to mail the surprise to you and you will love it."

"Okay, good luck with that," I responded sarcastically, and I could already imagine the eye roll she was giving me. "But seriously, mum. I'm good."

"Yeah, yeah," she said dismissively. "I have to go now, but I love you a lot, okay?"

I smiled to myself. "I know, mum. I love you, too. Tell dad I said hi!"

"Will do. Bye," she said, before hanging up the phone.

"How is your mother?" Aunt Fiona asked from the driver's seat of her car.

She was driving me to the girls' house because they invited me over, meaning I could finally give Lauren her gift. After my awkward encounter with Lauren the last time, she stayed in her room for the whole time I was there. I didn't see her once, afterwards. I really hoped she wouldn't do the same thing today, but something was telling me that she would.

"She's good," I replied. "Just trying to get a present out of me, when I've told her a million times that I don't want anything."

"Ooh. That reminds me, what do you want for your birthday?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked to my aunt with an 'are you serious?' look. This only caused her to laugh as she kept her eyes focused on the road ahead.

"I'm just kidding," she said with a humorous tone. "I know you don't want anything."

"Thank you!" I said, raising my hands in the air to emphasise my point. "Finally someone who gets it!"

She laughed at my over-exaggeration and the rest of the drive to the girls' house was literally that. Us fooling around and acting like anything but aunt and niece. Which was just how I liked it.


"Remember to call me about ten minutes before you need picking up," my aunt shouted out her car window.

"Okay!" I called back, and watched her drive away.

Once she was gone, I turned around and looked up at the huge mansion before me. Taking a deep breath, I picked up the huge frame that was leaning against my legs, and the roll of wrapping paper beside it, before heading towards the front door with it. I knocked three times on their door and waited patiently for a reply. I didn't even have to wait long because the door opened seconds later to reveal Camila and Ally.

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