7 • It Was A Close 'Call'

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"That was such an amazing movie!" Y/BF/N exclaimed as we walked out of the cinema.

We had both watched 'Hotel Transylvania 2' due to her request. It was okay, I guess, but I would have much rather watched the second part to 'The Maze Runner'.

"It was, but did we really have to stay still the very end, just to hear Fifth Harmony's song?" I complained, making sure to look both ways before crossing the road.

"Of course!" She said, like it was no big deal. If it weren't for me being responsible and looking at the road, she probably would have got killed. "That's the only reason I wanted to watch it."

I groaned as she laughed at my expression. I wasn't even going to bother arguing with her. We both descended inside the bustling fast food place known as McDonalds and stood in line. After ordering our food and whatnot, we found a deserted table at the corner window and sat there.

"I'm so hungry," Y/BF/N said as soon as we sat down. She clutched her stomach and frowned. "Can they hurry up with the food already?"

I chuckled in amusement. "We literally just ordered the food, idiot. Be patient."

She pouted and I shook my head, finding her impatience amusing. After she sulked for the next minute or so, we engaged in a conversation about anything and everything, and before we knew it, the server was placing our food in front of us.

"Thank you," I smiled politely at the worker.

"Enjoy your food, guys," the woman smiled in return, walking away from us. She was oddly cheerful for a McDonald's employee.

"Finally!" Y/BF/N grinned, rubbing her hands together as she eyed her food, hunger evident in her facial expression. I could practically see the mini burgers floating in her eyes.

I laughed lightly as I dug into my food. I ordered chicken nuggets and chips, as usual, and it was amazing. God, I love McDonalds. After we ate and talked, I finished my food before Y/BF/N, so decided to go to the toilet.

"I'll be back," I said, wiping my mouth with my napkin and standing up.

Y/BF/N gave me a thumbs up as her mouth was too busy chewing on her burger, and I rolled my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips. I walked to the toilet and did my business. I honestly hate going toilet in public places. I mean, it's so weird when you're peeing and then the person beside you hears the noise of your pee hitting the toilet. One word: awkward.

After finishing up, I washed my hands and dried them before leaving the bathroom and finding my seat with Y/BF/N. As I was sitting down, I saw her staring at a phone in her hands, confusion written on her face. Wait a minute... That's my phone!

"What are you doing with my phone, dude?" I raised an eyebrow, trying not to seem bothered by it when secretly I was freaking out. I hate when people touch my phone.

She handed it back to me and I instantly grabbed it, seeing it locked. I placed it in my pocket and and waited for her response.

"That was weird," she said with furrowed eyebrows. "Your phone rang and someone called 'Love' on whatsapp rang?"

My eyes widened and my heart rate increased by the second. Not only was I scared at the fact that Y/BF/N could have found out that I know Lauren, (though I doubted she did because she wasn't freaking out), but I was also surprised because Lauren and I have never rang each other or anything along those lines, only texted.

"So, I was curious and answered, saying I was Y/BF/N and you were in the toilet, but then they had some weird Italian accent saying they accidentally rang?"

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