5 • One More Number For My Contacts

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@laurenjauregui: guess what

I read the message and immediately dropped my pen on my bed, momentarily forgetting about the RS homework I should've been doing.

@Y/T/N: hello to you too lol. And what?

@laurenjauregui: I don't know haha, I just wanted to say hi

I rolled my eyes, yet my lips were curved into a smile. She was such a loser at times, but I loved it.

@Y/T/N: hi Lauren. Is that all?

@laurenjauregui: well, nope. I'm really bored. Like really really really bored. What are you doing?

@Y/T/N: well I was doing my RS homework but now I'm messaging you, duh

@laurenjauregui: SORRYYYYY. You can go back to your homework and message me when you're done? I feel bad now lol

@Y/T/N: its okay, love. It's due next week anyway. I was only doing it now because I was bored myself lol

And I wasn't lying. However, I would have so rather messaged Lauren than do my homework. Wouldn't you?

@laurenjauregui: oh okay, yay :) now I can ask you something really important that you will probably say no to but it's worth a shot

This caught my interest and I immediately became curious to what she could want to ask me.

@Y/T/N: if you're going to ask me if I'm always this awesome, the answer will always be yes. You should know that by now Lauren

@laurenjauregui: HAHA SO FUNNY not. -.-

I smiled in amusement. I loved to annoy her like that because she got frustrated so easily. I could only imagine how it would be to do that in real life, face to face.

@laurenjauregui: but in all seriousness, can I ask you a question?

@Y/T/N: yeah, sure. Go ahead, love :)

She didn't reply immediately, which only caused my curiousness to rocket sky high. What could be so serious? Finally, though, her response came through.

@laurenjauregui: I know that we've only known each other for a month and I'm still practically a stranger, but I was wondering if we could exchange numbers? I mean, it would just make it easier to text and stuff..

Wow. She wanted my number? I honestly didn't expect that from her. If anything, I thought she would be the one against doing that. Technically, I was a stranger, and was she even allowed to give me her number like that? And, did I want to give her mine? It's not like she could do much with it anyway. And we had both done everything to prove that we are real people and ourselves, so it's not like I was unsure of anything.

@laurenjauregui: I understand if you don't want to because of the whole stranger danger thing, but I just thought it would up our friendship a little bit since we only talk on Twitter DM's

I guess there would be nothing wrong with it. It would cost a bit to text her solely off my tariff, but maybe we could whatsapp or something.

@Y/T/N: well, I didn't really expect that off you to be honest lol. But sure, I don't mind. But is it okay if we whatsapp? Cause it will cost a bit due to us being from different countries

@laurenjauregui: yeah, totally! And thanks :) I'm trusting you with my number which I don't usually do, so hopefully this won't backfire

@Y/T/N: yeah cause I'm totally going to put your number on christianmingle.com and get loads of random people to text you for a date.

@laurenjauregui: and that is why I trust you unlike I usually would with a stranger lmao. Also, can we stop calling each other strangers now? Cause I honestly feel like you're my real friend.

I felt like she was my real friend, too. We practically knew as much as one could learn about another in a month. Maybe even more. I felt like anything but a stranger to her. And it reassured me to know she felt the same.

@Y/T/N: I'm glad you can trust me and I like that we aren't strangers now :) (gosh, the more I type that smile, the more pedo-ish it looks lmao)

@laurenjauregui: you're literally the weirdest person I've ever talked to lol. Here's my number nugget (insert random number here lol)

I saved the number to my phone and wrote her contact name as 'Love' with a green heart next to it. No, not in that way. It's because I called her that a lot and as she once said, she's my love and I'm her British missus. Honestly? I wouldn't want it any other way. I also added a photo of her on there, a random one she had sent me in the past month, and eventually smiled at the completed contact.

Lauren Jauregui was saved in my phone. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

After saving her contact, I opened my whatsapp and found her name, seeing that she was online. I decided to text her first, that way it would be easier for her to save my number.

To: Love
Hey, love, it's me :)

Not long later, I received a reply.

From: Love
Hey, Y/N! I just saved you to my contacts. Let's hope the girls don't go through my phone otherwise they are going to be really confused at someone in my favourites called 'My British Missus' lmao

I was already saved as a favourite? And she named me as the nickname she gave me? I don't know why, but this sent a few butterflies in my stomach.

To: Love
Haha well I honestly have no idea how you could defend yourself there lol. Anyway, how are you? I never really asked you aha

From: Love
I'm good! Just came out of bed lol

To: Love
Ah, well, have a good day then :)

From: Love
Thanks, nugget :p so, how are you?

And from there onwards, the conversation continued. I don't know if it was because of the whole exchanging numbers thing, but we talked even more than we usually did. And by more, I mean more. We talked all day, only stopping when we needed to eat lunch and dinner, or if someone else needed us.

It was fun to talk to her and I didn't really think of her as a famous person, I thought of her more as an online friend. She told me that she thought the same of me, which I was glad for.

I guess I just loved talking to Lauren Jauregui.


Sorry this is short but it's basically showing how you guys exchanged numbers. I've got quite a few more chapters written out which I'm glad for because it will be easier to update aha.

If you have any suggestions, I would love to know! :)

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