14 • You Can Get Some Cranky Workers Nowadays

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[I know I literally just changed my book cover but it looked to childish and horrible in general lol, so I changed it again and I promise I'll stick to this one lol. But do you guys like it? :)]

"I don't even know how to play golf," Dinah admitted sheepishly, looking down to her golf club in her hand nervously.

The man who was serving us raised an eyebrow, as if he were judging the Polynesian for not knowing how to play the sport. Jeez, not everyone knows how to play golf.

"She's just kidding," I half-smiled at the man. "You know how Americans can be." I laughed the awkward tension away nervously. "Thanks for the, um, clubs. We'll, um, be over there." I motioned to the first set of obstacles set up.

The girls followed me and we stopped at the first part of the course. It wasn't very busy here, thankfully; there was only the odd old person here which the girls appreciated because it meant no fans and a lot more privacy. I studied the course and saw that there were various objects set out that we had to avoid when getting the ball in the hole.

"What crawled up his ass," Normani glanced at the worker dude, pulling a funny expression. "It's not a crime to not know how to play golf, sheesh."

"And, what was that comment about Americans, Y/N, hm?" Lauren teased, raising an eyebrow and wearing a playful smirk. The other girls resembled the same expression and stared at me, purposely trying to make me feel uncomfortable. It was working.

I surrendered by raising my hands in the air. "Wow, okay, sorry. Americans have a tough sense of humour, eh?" I joked again, causing them to give me an 'are you kidding me' look. I smiled sheepishly, nudging Camila in the side. "It was just a bit of banter."

Camila cracked a smile and the girls chuckled along with her, causing me to sigh in relief. I didn't know if they would actually get offended or not, to be honest.

"You're lucky your funny," Dinah said pointedly, punching me lightly in the arm, "and that we are easily entertained."

I audibly gulped and smiled nervously, causing them to laugh at my reaction. They shook their heads with amusement as they started the course. Only Lauren remained by my side and we both stood back, watching the girls struggle to play the game. We had been given these small score sheets and a pencil where we had to write our scores on, but something told me that we weren't going to need them.

"Dinah wasn't kidding when she said she couldn't play golf," I noted aloud, stifling a laugh at the struggling blonde before us.

"Dinah doesn't kid," Lauren laughed quietly. "But, to be fair, I don't think any of us actually know how to play."

I averted my gaze from the girls who were now randomly hitting the golf balls anywhere, and looked to Lauren, who I found staring right at me. "I don't know how to play either, so that makes two of us."

She smiled with her teeth showing, and her green eyes sparkled with happiness. "Remind me why we came here again?"

I snickered at the realisation. "I don't even know. I rarely come here, to be honest. The last time I came, I ended up hitting some other guests with my club because I was unsure how to use it."

Her melodic laugh echoed into the space around us as I tried to hide my blush. "Oh my god, Y/N. You know what? I'm not even surprised."

I cocked my head to the side and give her a knowing look. "Thanks, love. Really," I said sarcastically, eliciting another giggle from her. Her laugh was truly something.

"Lo! Y/N! Y'all need to have a go," Ally called us over.

"Watch and learn," Lauren smiled knowingly, walking forward to the others.

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