9 • The Girls Said Hi

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"Remember, everyone," my form tutor, Mrs. Jocelyn shouted over the noise of everyone trying to pack their things away. "The tickets for the dance go on next week!"

I was immediately pushed out of the classroom and into the busy corridors before I could hear another word. I was shoved, pushed, tripped and moved roughly down the corridors of my school. I was lucky enough to reach the exit of the school without losing a shoe, unlike last time where my shoe fell off and got kicked into a nearby classroom.

My eyes searched the many students that were bustling about; some were acting like complete and utter idiots, racing about and chasing their friends; others were being civil and finding their friends like normal people. I was definitely the latter. Eventually, my eyes settled on the familiar figure of Y/BF/N talking to some other girl, but before I could begin to walk to her, a random, unfamiliar kid ran in front of me and pulled my tie down, tightening the knot.

"Ha! You just got swat-knotted!" He yelled in my face before racing off and joining his friends whom were roaring with laughter.

That's high school for you.

I grumbled inaudibly to myself and loosened my tie as I headed towards Y/BF/N. Did I ever say how much I was looking forward to leaving high school?

Whoever Y/BF/N was talking to walked away as soon as I appeared, and Y/BF/N turned to me with a smile.

"Hey, how was RS?"

I shrugged. "As good as can be, I guess. How was Art?"

She shrugged, too. "Same, I guess." I nodded and her whole demeanour improved as she grinned in my face. "Are you going to the dance? Tickets go on sale next week!"

I didn't respond straight away, but instead pulled a face. "Ehhh, I don't know."

I was never really one for dances because I wasn't too keen on wearing dresses. Also, the whole idea of watching girls trying to 'get laid' because they just turned sixteen and it's not illegal, didn't appeal to me. Besides, if I'm being honest, it's not like any of them waited for it to be legal to do it. Sorry not sorry.

"Come on, Y/N!" She begged, clutching my hand and squeezing it. "It will be fun, I swear! Do you not remember when we were younger and used to go to dances all the time?"

I laughed as I forced her to release my hand. "That was one dance, love. And, it was in year six. Five years ago."

She rolled her eyes and said, "So? Come on, dude. Please."

I groaned and she continuously pulled on my arm like a young child trying to beg their parent to buy them a new toy. All she was missing was some light up Sketchers and a lollipop in her mouth and she was practically that.

"Fine!" I gave in, taking my arm back and glaring at her playfully. "Just stop acting like a child, please."

A grin formed on her face. "Yes! Okay, we'll buy our tickets next week and go shopping for our dresses the weekend after, yeah?"

I rolled my eyes, but nodded in agreement. It couldn't be that bad, could it? It was only a dance. Besides, I was only going for the food, anyway.


As I was scribbling the final answer of my English homework in my exercise book, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and reached for it immediately. It was a text from Lauren.

From: Love
The girls practically forced me to send you this, but they said hi *attached picture (the one above)*

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