23 • She Was Beautiful Even When She Was Yelling At Me

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For the remainder of the week, I had tried my best efforts to convince Lauren to talk to me, but it always ended the same way: her saying that she was busy. It was understandable, but it didn't make it any easier to deal with. I told the girls and Y/BF/N of the responses from Lauren, but they couldn't do anything about it. Lauren was her own person and I knew her well enough to know that when she made her mind up about something, she stuck to it. And unfortunately, this was one of those times.

Tonight was the night before my exam week officially started and I promised to myself that I wouldn't over-stress. I didn't do anything but relax and it actually felt pretty good. All that was left to do was my attempt at talking to Lauren and then I would go to sleep. It was starting to become a routine now, and I could only wish that she would give me the time of day.

To: Love
Hey Lauren. Um, tomorrow is when my exams start and I'm gonna be busy and won't be able to talk much. I don't want to start them knowing I upset you. Please can we talk?

I placed my phone on my bedside table and leaned against the headboard of my bed, picking up a nearby book. It was called 'The Book Thief' and was my current read. I continued from where I left off yesterday and let my mind wander, dismissing any thoughts of Lauren and the girls. It was pretty difficult however, because her green eyes would begin to float across the page causing me to shake my head. Imagining tears well up in her precious emeralds was what made me shut the book completely. The guilt from my words was eating away at me and only when I felt my phone vibrate did I forget about it momentarily.

Assuming it was a text, I glanced at the screen, but when I saw that it was an incoming FaceTime, my eyeballs almost popped out of my head. Lauren. Was FaceTime-ing. Me. I fumbled to answer the call straight away and held the phone in front of my face, internally hyperventilating.

Was she ready to hear me out? Could I finally apologise? Would she yell at me? What would I say to her?

Before I could decide on the endless amount of possibilities for her reason to call me, the screen enlarged and there she was. Lauren Jauregui. She appeared to be sat on her bed, and I think she was wearing her pyjamas, judging from the patterned tee shirt. Her long hair was left out naturally, and she looked beautiful wearing no makeup. I couldn't fight the smile forming on my face, despite the glare she was sending me through the phone. Good thing the camera quality wasn't the best otherwise her green eyes would be sending daggers at me in HD.

"Hey, Lau–"

"You're unbelievable!" she shouted angrily, interrupting my greeting.

My smile faded. "What?"

"My exams start next week and I'm going to be pretty busy," she said in a mimicking tone, and it took me a few seconds to realise that she was imitating my text I had just sent her. "Are you kidding me?!"

I shook my head with confusion. "I don't get–"

"Of course you'll be busy," she jeered, laughing bitterly. "Revising, I assume?" I opened my mouth to speak, but she continued to talk. "But then again, I probably wouldn't understand that 'cause 'not everyone is an Einstein like me', right? I'll leave you to your revision because as you said, not everyone can win their dreams on X Factor. I wouldn't want to distract you from your learning."

I looked down and gulped audibly, allowing my guilt to sink in. The anger was predominant in her voice, but I also detected hurt there, too. She was hurting because of the mean things I had said to her, and judging from the way she was ranting at me, I could tell that the words had stuck with her and sincerely offended her. Why did I have to say those things?!

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