36 • What Had I Done

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3 months later...

It had been three months since Lauren began to act like her usual self with no confusing actions. Three months since I admitted to the girls that I had a crush on some blonde-haired, blue-eyed non-existent girl. Three months since I was pretty sure that they had found out that I liked Lauren.

A lot sure can happen in three months. I mean, at Christmas, I finally got to see my family again, which was awesome because I was beginning to feel terribly homesick. My parents and brother came to visit me, and as a surprise, they brought Y/BF/N! It was amazing to be able to see them all again...


I was hugging my brother when I heard a familiar voice scream my name with excitement at the the airport. I had an idea of who it was, but it couldn't be. It wasn't possible.

"Merry Christmas, sis," my brother whispered in my ear before pulling away from our hug. He had a mischievous smile on his lips, and I was curious as to what was going on.

I turned around hesitantly and almost fainted at the sight of seeing my best friend, who was supposed to be in England right now, running towards me with her arms readily outstretched for a hug.

"Y/BF/N!" I screamed excitedly and met her halfway, pulling her in for a giant hug. "You're here," I said quietly, smiling to myself as I hugged her. "You're actually here."

She laughed and pulled away from me, a grin on her face. "Yes. I am. I missed you so much, arse-wipe."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her insult. "And there's the Y/BF/N that I missed."

She laughed before widening her eyes, as if she just remembered something. "Before I forget! I need to give you something."

I remained confused as I watched her shrug her backpack off her back. She kneeled down and began to rummage through it, before finally pulling out what appeared to be a jar of water, half filled to the top.

She stood up and handed me the jar. "It's for you!"

I accepted the gift and brought it up to my line of vision, studying its contents. Maybe it's glittery or something, I thought. But it wasn't. It was just water.

"It took me ages to get through security with it, because it's over one hundred mils of water, but I managed it," she explained with a hearty laugh.

I smiled awkwardly. "Uh, thanks? But um... what is it?"

She chewed on her lower lip as I opened the lid to look inside. "Well, it was snow from back home. But then it melted because I forgot snow does that. And then I accidentally dropped some of the water on the plane which is why it's half empty. But I figured it would be cool nonetheless because I know how homesick you're getting!"

I cracked a smile, finding Y/BF/N's typical behaviour pretty amusing. Of course she would think to bring snow from back home.

"I told her it was dumb," James chimed in from behind me. "She's just too stubborn to admit it."

Y/BF/N rolled her eyes. "You're just cranky because I put snow in your jacket."

I laughed and said, "Firstly, thank you for doing that." She nodded my way, smirking whilst my brother was scoffing. "Secondly, thank you so much for the gift. I love it."

Yeah, she got me a jar of 'snow'. There was no point in giving it her back because I loved it and loved fact that she bothered to do something sweet like that in the first place.

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