27 • Alessia Found A New Friend

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"Is this really necessary?"

The photographer sighed and stepped back, away from the camera. He crossed his arms and obviously was annoyed, and I didn't blame him. It was the millionth time that I had interrupted his chance to take the picture.

"Yes, Y/N," my aunt said from beside him. "Now stop talking and smile!"

I grumbled unhappily to myself before forcing a smile on my face. I absolutely hated taking pictures of myself, or other people taking them, so you can imagine my reaction when I was told that I had to have a picture for my identity card to get into this place. We had been trying to take a decent picture of me for the past fifteen minutes, when it was supposed to be a two minute job, but the picture either turned out completely wrong, or I was fidgeting too much.

"Smile properly." My aunt narrowed her eyes at me.

"I am." I frowned.

She shook her head and face-palmed. "You aren't, Y/N. You literally look like this." She pulled an expression that resembled a small child grimacing with discomfort, and I flinched at the sight.

"Exactly how we feel," she said, acknowledging my flinch. "Now smile. Properly."

"Fine," I agreed. I took a deep breath and tried to make myself smile, but I just couldn't. It was literally impossible. Why did I have to be like this?

"Come on, Y/L/N," I heard Alessia shout with amusement from behind my aunt. She had a grin on her face as she continued, "Show us them pearly whites!"

I rolled my eyes but smiled at her comment, only to realise that the photographer had taken the photo.

"Finally!" he exclaimed with joy, jumping up excitedly.

I blushed as my aunt and Alessia both laughed. Was I really that bad?

"You really are perfect if you can make Y/N smile in a photo, Alessia," my aunt praised the brunette, causing her to chuckle.

Alessia stepped forward and sent me a playful wink before saying, "I have that effect on people, F."

"Shut up," I said with a laugh, nudging her in the side.

"Well, I'm just glad it's over," my aunt said, also laughing. She looked to me and said, "Your card will be given to you later. Just make sure not to lose it because it's your way in here."

I nodded and saluted. "Aye aye cap'n."

Alessia giggled and I cracked a smile as my aunt rolled her eyes but chuckled, too. She sent me a smile before leaving Alessia and I alone, allowing us to do whatever we pleased.

"Thanks for helping with the photo," I said, looking to her brown eyes. "Despite you being your annoying self."

"I'm never annoying," she said matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes and raised an eyebrow. "If that's what helps you to sleep at night, love."

She stuck her tongue out like a five year old, and I laughed at her immaturity. Only when I saw her card hanging around her neck did I realise that I had never actually seen her photo.

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