10 • Immense Happiness

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The giggles of overly excited children filled the air and I smiled softly at the sight of parents playing with their children in the park. It was actually sunny for a change, which was surprising because it was England. The weather always seemed to impact my mood, so I was glad it was sunny because I was currently waiting for Lauren to come and couldn't contain my excitement.

I looked down at the wooden bench I was sat on and used my fingernails to pick at the chipped wood, hoping to pass time. She was supposed to meet me here in this park, and the longer she took, the more nervous I felt.


A familiar, raspy voice said my name, making me look up immediately. Standing in front of me was the person I never thought I would befriend in a million years, let alone meet in person. I stood up and noticed that she was a few inches taller than me. Her long, dark hair flowed down her shoulders and emphasised her bright green eyes, which happened to be piercing through me. Her soft-looking lips curved into a smile and she spoke.


Before I knew it, I was being embraced in a tight hug and my vision was blocked by a bundle of dark hair in my eyes. The smell of vanilla emanated off her and I subconsciously smiled with content. I closed my eyes and made the most of her warmth and love. It was perfect.

"Y/N!" A loud voice screamed in my ear, making my eyes shoot open with fear. My body collided with the ground and I groaned as I clutched my arm in pain.

Snickering was heard and I opened my eyes to find myself on the wooden floor of my bedroom. It was a dream. I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes, only to find the sight of my older brother, James, standing there, laughing at my situation.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed tiredly, pushing myself off the ground and sitting at the edge of my bed.

"That isn't the way to greet your brother after three months, is it?" He smirked, opening his arms for a hug.

I sighed and stood up, walking into his arms and allowing him to hug me. I wouldn't admit it, but I missed him dearly. I hadn't seen him since he went off to university over three months ago, and now he was back, reminding me just how much I missed his presence, despite how annoying it may be.

"How've you been, pipsqueak?" He teased, ruffling my hair playfully.

I wasn't even that short for a girl. He only called me that because he was just over six foot and loved to tease me for being way shorter than him. That's what big brothers were for, I guess.

"Good, until you screamed me awake," I glared at him, before a yawn escaped my mouth, resulting in me to raise my hand and cover my mouth. I sat back down on my bed and crossed my legs comfortably. "How about you? And not to be rude, but why are you back?"

He feigned offence by placing his hand to his chest, before smiling cheekily and taking a seat beside me. "I'm good. And who says I can't visit my awesome little sister because I missed her dearly?" I raised an eyebrow and he sighed, losing his smile. "Fine. A guy can only last so much time before he needs to wash his clothes properly."

I burst into laughter at his revelation. "You can't even use a washing machine? Oh my god."

He rolled his eyes, trying to show he wasn't affected by my amusement, but I could tell he was.

"I don't even know how mum let you move out by yourself," I smiled with entertainment. "You're useless, J."

He didn't respond, meaning he agreed, causing me to laugh again. Oh, how I missed him.


I wiped away the crumbs of my sandwich off my tee shirt and tried to ignore the stares I was receiving off James. Our mum was out so we were both watching a movie and eating dinner, but he kept staring at me and pulling funny faces, knowing too well that it annoyed me.

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