17 • I Never Thought I Would Fall Asleep With Lauren Jauregui Out Of All People

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The girls of Fifth Harmony stayed at my house for the rest of the day, believe it or not. Y/BF/N stayed, too, and after she learnt (or so I think) to not fangirl every two seconds, we spent the remainder watching movies on Netflix.

"Oh my god!" Y/BF/N shrieked urgently, causing me to sit up immediately. I was leaning my head on Lauren's shoulder throughout watching the movie Bridesmaids, and I was  hoping she didn't mind.

"What is it?" I asked with wide eyes. "What's wrong?"

The toothy grin on her face confused me, along with the other girls, but when she bolted to the nearest window, I understood. A smile ghosted my lips as I followed her to the window, motioning for the girls to join.

"It's snowing!" Camila grinned, pressing her face to the glass and peering through it. "It's actually snowing!"

It wasn't completely unusual for it to snow at this time of year - it was England, after all. But, Y/BF/N had an obsession with the snow, so this 'freakish' behaviour made complete sense.

I stepped forward and looked through the glass, noticing the fine but prominent layer of snow that blanketed over my front garden. If we were lucky enough, it would build up by tomorrow.

"Can we play in it?!" Camila clapped her hands excitedly, looking between the girls and I.

Lauren chuckled and shook her head with amusement. "There's barely enough snow to slip on, Camz. Maybe another time."

Camila pouted and continued to stare out the window, possibly trying to will the snow to fall faster and harder.

"It should pick up by tomorrow," I tried to reassure her. "Maybe then we can all have a snowball fight?"

All the girls looked to me as soon as those words escaped my lips, and now I felt responsible for the weather. As LA inhabitants, I guessed that they didn't experience much snow, so this was a rare opportunity for them.

"Until then, I guess," Normani shrugged and headed back to the couch.

We all retreated back to the couches and took our seats again, myself leaning my head on Lauren's shoulder. The oaky scent that emanated off her filled my nostrils and I couldn't help but find her extremely comfortable.

"You're really comfy," I mumbled into her hair, pulling my legs up and turning my body slightly so I was cuddling her right arm.

I felt her body vibrate underneath me and I realised she was chuckling at my comment. "Really?"

I nodded and sighed contently. "Yeah... Even comfier than my pillow, and that's saying a lot."

"Nice to know," she said with amusement, and though I couldn't see her, I could guess that she was smiling.

Everything went quiet as we all focused on the television, but Y/BF/N had to ruin it, of course

"You're actually hugging someone, Y/N? It's a miracle," her sarcastic tone was directed at me, earning laughter from all the girls.

I tilted my head and playfully glared at her. "Yeah, yeah, Y/BF/N. I would stop right there or the girls might find out about a certain Harmonizer's wattpad account."

The girls' laughter went louder, if possible, as I sunk back onto Lauren's shoulder. Her melodic laughter was the only thing I was paying attention to, and it brought a smile to my face with how adorable it sounded.

"Don't even dare." I could feel Y/BF/N's glare on me and I knew I had won.

"Now that we're on the same page, I think we should get back to the movie," I smirked, hiding it in Lauren's jumper. There was no response, so we did just that: get back to the movie.

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