20 • Stress And Anger Are Never The Best Combination

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"No, I really need to revise, Y/BF/N," I sighed, speaking to her through the phone. "You know how much I need these grades."

"Please, Y/N," she whined. "It's only for a few hours and it's practically our last few months to spend time together before you fall off the face of the planet."

I closed my eyes momentarily, taking a small intake of breath, before opening my eyes again. "You know too well that I'm not 'falling off the face of the planet', Y/BF/N. And we've got all that time to spend together, so stop exaggerating. You should be revising, too!"

I heard shuffling on her side of the phone before she spoke. "Fine. I'll text you later, buzzkill."

I sighed, feeling a little guilty at the way I treated her. "Y/BF/N, you know I-"

But she hung up. I locked my phone and tossed it on my pillow on my bed, rubbing my face with my hands. Ever since I told Y/BF/N about the news, she had been wanting to spend as much time with me as possible. And if it weren't for exams pressuring me, I would be all for it! I appreciate that she's being an amazing friend, but I need to do well on these exams or I can't get anywhere I want to in life. However, I think she may be taking my declines personally, hence the dramatic hang up on the phone.

It's kind of expected, though. She did seem a little off when I told her the news about me leaving, possibly...

"Y/BF/N is here, Y/N!"

"Coming!" I yelled from my bedroom, throwing my revision material on my bed. I took a deep breath, hoping this conversation would end well, before walking out of my bedroom and down the stairs. There I saw her, standing by the front door.

"What's up, butthead?" she smirked, punching me in the arm gently.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I can still kick you out of my house, y'know."

As she followed me to the kitchen, I heard her say, "Not really. Your mum practically loves me more than you. She would never allow it."

As she settled on a stool by the kitchen counter, I went to the fridge to search for a can of Pepsi. "Yeah, yeah... if that's what helps you sleep at night." I pulled two cans out and sat opposite her at the kitchen counter, sliding over one of the cans to her. "So, how's revision going?"

She groaned and dramatically face-smacked the marble counter. "Terrible. Every time I pick up a book, my phone distracts me and I never end up learning anything."

I laughed and took a gulp of my Pepsi. "This is just a thought, but why not try turning your phone off?"

She looked up from the table as if I recommended the worst possible suggestion ever. "And miss all the fandom news on Instagram and Twitter? Yeah, no thank you."

I rolled my eyes and smiled with amusement. "And you wonder why you can't learn, love."

She rolled her eyes, too and took a sip of her can after opening it open. Once she sipped it, she set it on the counter and looked at me with curiosity. "So, why did you call me up here again?"

At the thought of my exciting news, I grinned, but dialled it back a bit when I realised who I was telling. "Well, basically... you know my auntie Fiona? The one in America?"

She nodded. "Not personally, but you've spoken of her."

I nodded and waved my hand dismissively. "It doesn't matter. But yeah. Her. Well she basically offered me a deal saying that if I get really good results in my GCSE's, I can go to America and study photography there and work for her company. How amazing is that?!"

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