22 • It Was Progress. Slow... But Progress

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"Remember," my English teacher spoke over everyone packing their things away. "The next two weeks are exam weeks, so know your stuff!"

I rolled my eyes and continued to throw my books in my bags. Could he state the obvious any more? After pulling my bag on my back, I tucked my chair in and looked up, hoping to find Y/BF/N still in the classroom. Ever since my breakdown with my mum on the weekend, I had planned several different ways that I could apologise to Y/BF/N. I decided on doing it straightforwardly and talking to her in school, but she had literally been avoiding me all day today.

As she was walking towards the exit of the classroom, she glanced over her shoulder and noticed me making a beeline in her direction. Her eyes widened and she walked faster to the door, eventually leaving. I didn't give up as I pushed past other annoying students in the hallway and tried to follow her out of the school. Eventually, she managed to escape out of the entrance of the school and I chased after her. Stopping in front of her, I panted heavily before speaking.

"Just hear me out," I begged. "Please."

She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her foot impatiently. "I'm waiting. Make it fast."

Thankful that she was giving me a chance, I nodded frantically and tried to organise my jumbled up thoughts. "I want to say sorry for the way I've treated you recently. Especially the other day. I was out of line and I honestly didn't mean any of it."

Her cold glare softened and she uncrossed her arms, settling on holding her backpack straps.

"You were right about me having an attitude, and being unfair to the girls and Lauren," I continued, frowning apologetically. "I've been a complete and utter bitch and I'm really sorry, Y/BF/N."

Once I finished, I saw her watching me curiously. I could see the bittersweet emotion showing in her expression, and I only hoped that she would forgive me like my mum said.

Her unreadable expression soon turned into a smirk. "You were being a bitch, weren't you?"

I cracked a smile and sighed in relief. That was her way of forgiving me and I couldn't be any more happier to hear her call me a bitch.

"Come here, you dingbat." She pulled me in for a hug, which I gladly returned. "You screwed up big time."

I pulled away and ran my fingers through my hair. "Thank you for forgiving me. And I know I screwed up. That's why I'm here to make things right."

"Well, I'm glad you finally came to your senses," she teased, a smug smile on her lips.

I breathed out, feeling like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "Me too. But I need your help with something, if you don't mind."

I think she noticed the seriousness in my voice because her smile faded and she watched me with concern. "What is it?"

My hands tangled with each other as I spoke nervously. "I said some pretty mean things to Lauren. And I basically told the girls to piss off. I need to say sorry, but I don't think they will forgive me. They aren't like you, Y/BF/N. They could easily forget about me and go on with their lives. I don't want that to happen, so what do I do?"

She bit her lip and I could tell she was pondering my dilemma. She tended to give really good advice, so I knew I could rely on her help this time.

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