16 • Would She Risk Killing Me In Front Of Her Idols?

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I opened the door slowly and there I saw a squealing figure, making my jaw drop and eyes widen.


"Y/N!" she grinned, jumping up and down with excitement. A brown envelope was in her hand and she had a strong hold on it, waving it around frantically. "Guess what came?!"

The thought of the girls literally sitting in my living room, and my best friend standing before made my palms become clammy. My thoughts wouldn't stop racing and all I could think about is what would happen next.

I gulped down my nervousness. "Um, you?"

She shook her head and rolled her eyes, expressing her impatience. "No, idiot. Our meet and greet photo!"

I smiled nervously and nodded my head. I was happy for her because I knew she would have never expected to see them in concert, let alone meet them, but I couldn't help but worry at the situation I was in.

"Could you wait here for a minute, Y/BF/N?" I asked her, stepping backwards and placing my hand on the door, ready to shut it.

"I-" she began, but I shut the door, not giving her chance to continue.

I raced to the living room, only to see the girls in the same positions as they were before I left. They must have noticed the shock and worry on my face because their smiles faded and they watched me with concern.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Normani questioned, standing up, ready to move in case I needed something. "You look like you've seen a ghost." I didn't reply just yet, because I was still trying to grasp the fact that Y/BF/N was at the front door and Fifth Harmony were in my living room. So, Normani continued. "Who was at the door?"

I breathed out a single word. "Y/BF/N."

Their eyes widened and they looked to each other, unsure of how to react. So, I raised my hand to my lips, motioning for them to be quiet, and waved them over to me. Normani followed and the others stood up from the couch quietly, eventually following. I led them to the hallway and made sure to be extra quiet as I led them to a closet there. One loud noise and Y/BF/N would know that I've got someone else over.

"Stay in here and I'll try to get rid of her," I whispered quietly, opening the closet door.

They nodded and one by one, made their way into the small, but big-enough-to-hold-five-girls closet. Lauren was the last to walk in, and she sent me a reassuring smile before I clicked the door shut quietly, releasing a breath of relief. I made my way back to the front door and opened it, only to be met with a confused expression.

"Can I come in now or are you going to slam the door in my face again?"

She walked in anyway, and I smiled sheepishly, shutting the door behind her. She automatically made her way down the hallway, past the girls, and into the kitchen. I sucked up a deep breath and followed her. My heart stopped beating momentarily when I walked past the closet that the girls were hiding in. I couldn't hear a thing meaning Y/BF/N shouldn't suspect anything. Great.

"So, you were saying about the meet and greet pictures?" I questioned, walking into the kitchen and settling on a stool by the island.

She remained standing and pulled out two rectangular pieces of photography paper from the brown envelope, placing the envelope on the counter afterwards.

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