34 • Dinah's Swing Was A Little Too Good

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It's been a month since my first day at college, and I've loved every minute of it.

I got along perfectly with my new friends and they were so much fun to hang with. I grew used to Tori's sassy comments in no time. Alessia was still annoying, (I love her really, okay), and in fact gave up with flirting with me (alongside every other girl on the planet), and instead focused on getting Y/BF/N's attention, which of course wasn't working. It was pretty funny actually, because Y/BF/N ended up getting a boyfriend; that guy, Jake, who she was trying to impress. So in other words, Alessia had no chance. Ariana was the only normal one of them all to be honest. Or the closest to normal anyway, because even she had her quirks.

My friendship with the girls of Fifth Harmony was still intact, and my friendship with Lauren was stronger than ever, ever since we talked it out in her car. Whatever was bothering her didn't seem to be bothering her anymore, meaning she was no longer acting confusing to me anymore.

Regarding my feelings for Lauren... they were still there, which was very annoying because that meant I would never have a chance with her. I was being realistic with myself now, and it hurt to know that that was the truth. I honestly wished that my feelings would just disappear. It would be so much easier.

Anyway, I haven't really spent as much time as I wanted to with the girls, only a few times when they were free, which was very rare. They were really busy lately; they were recording for their third album already seeing as their second had been a huge success. I was really happy for them, but it did mean that they were always extremely busy in the studio. However, I think they realised this because they invited me to their studio today and I was beyond excited to see them doing what they love.

"Y/N, you made it!" Normani said once she spotted me in the reception. I assumed she was waiting for me because she was sat on the couch in the waiting area.

"Well you did make it adamant that I came, and you sent Big Rob to collect me," I pointed out with a laugh, motioning to Big Rob who waved at the mention of his name.

She waved me off dismissively and stood up, walking beside me. "Well, come on. The girls are in the studio finishing up."

I nodded and she led me down several hallways, up an elevator, and down another hallway before we reached a large wooden door with a red light shining above it.

"They're recording so you have to be super quiet," she informed me with a hushed voice as she began to open the door.

I gave her a thumbs up before following her inside the room. She clicked the door quietly before leading me across the room and to the girls who were sat behind the soundboard with some tech guys. They were all focused on Lauren, who was standing in the sound booth, singing. She hadn't noticed me entering, but the girls did as they smiled and waved me over.

"Hey, we're glad you could make it," Camila whispered, speaking for them all. "We're just waiting for Lauren to finish her part then we'll show you around. You can listen if you want!"

I smiled and she motioned to her lap, so I sat down on her lap as she laced her arms around my waist to make sure I wouldn't fall. Everyone fell quiet as we looked to Lauren who was on the other side, still not noticing my presence. Which was good otherwise she could have gotten distracted. One of the tech guys turned the volume up so we could all hear her singing, and I swear my heart stopped. She sounded beautiful.

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