35 • Little Miss Bossy Boots

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"That's not the brakes."

I groaned inwardly and moved my foot from the pedal it was on to a different one.

"That's the same pedal, Y/N."

I clutched the steering wheel tightly as I moved my foot again, making sure to place it on a different pedal.

"Those aren't the brakes either."

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, watching my knuckles turn white, and moved my foot again.

"Now that's the one you put it on before–"

"Okay," I snapped, before taking a breath to contain myself. "Can you please tell me which pedal it is instead of making me guess?"

As you can tell, driving lessons with Lauren weren't going very well. At first, they were pretty chill, seeing as they usually consisted of Lauren and I chatting away and actually forgetting about the whole reason we were in her car. When she actually began to teach me how to drive however, I soon realised that she was a little-miss-bossy-boots that was as impatient as my mum when she tried to wake me up in the morning. It was easy for us both to get riled up either because she wasn't teaching very well, or because I wasn't learning very well. In every lesson, we had at least one argument, and the lesson always ended when we were annoyed at each other. But then we would make up and realise how stupid we were. It was never anything serious, but it didn't mean it wasn't annoying.

"Geez, I was just trying to help," she mumbled quietly before leaning over to my seat and pointing at the correct pedal. "That's the brakes."

I sighed and put my foot on the pedal, feeling the car come to a slow halt. I released my foot and stayed still, awaiting her next instruction.

"That was only going over last week's lesson," she spoke, looking at me with a sceptical look. "Are you sure you don't want to go over it again?"

I rolled my eyes. "I just forgot, Lauren. I got it. Just move on."

She noticed my harshness and rolled her eyes, too, before nodding her head. "Okay, I previously showed you the gears and how to use them, but we're going to try that again seeing as it didn't go too well the first time."

I scoffed when I remembered the first time. It wasn't even my fault! She cleared her throat to get my attention and I saw her cold eyes fixated on me, clearly betraying her impatience. I sighed again, knowing I should act a little nicer, even if she was being unfair. She didn't have to do this, so I could at least be tolerable for her, right?

"Okay, start driving and I'll tell you when to switch gears," she suggested, leaning back in her seat and looking ahead.

I nodded and moved my foot to the correct pedal, feeling the vehicle suddenly lurch forward because I pressed the pedal to hard.

I smiled sheepishly. "My bad, sorry."

She was clenching her jaw as she cocked her head to look at me. Could she look any sexier? Okay, maybe now wasn't the time... "No problem. Just– just try again. Slower this time."

I nodded and took a deep breath before easing my foot onto the pedal, feeling the car slowly move forward. We were practicing in an empty car park so it was okay if I moved in the wrong place. As I sped up to about twenty miles per hour, she spoke.

"Okay, change the gear... now!"

I immediately leaned my left hand down to change the gear, but soon realised that I had used the wrong hand, resulting in the car to make a horrible noise that resembled a cat being strangled.

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