38 • Back To Normal, I Guess...

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"Come on, Y/N, you can do it," I mumbled to myself, not-so convincingly.

"Dude, does your friend have millionaires as parents or what?"

I ignored Alessia's comment and obvious shock on the appearance of the girls' mansion, and went back to giving myself an internal pep talk.

After a few days ago when Lauren and I may or may not have had a heated make-out session on my couch, I knew I had to tell the truth. I had to tell the older girl how I felt, even if that meant losing her forever. I was finally going to be a man, (you know what I mean), and tell the truth.

So, after gaining some advice (and a lift) off Alessia, I was here. Parked outside the girls' mansion, ready to take the biggest step ever.

"Seriously, how do you make online friends that are loaded?" Alessia continued, still looking out the window and at their home. "I need tips, dude."

I sighed and stopped thinking, turning to Alessia with a raised eyebrow. She only looked my way, an innocent look on her face, as if she weren't annoying me in such a stressful time.


I tapped my chin sarcastically. "Hm, I don't know. Maybe you can try being a friend and stop me from freaking out?"

She got the hint and made an 'o' shape with her mouth. "Okay, sorry. But don't worry, Y/N. I've told you a million times already. This girl loves you as much as you love her. She wouldn't kiss you twice if she didn't. She's just too scared to make the first move, which is why you're going to do it."

I nodded and tried to believe her words. She had managed to convince me that Lauren actually liked me back, and was just scared to admit her feelings, hence her forcing me to forget the first time, and running out the next.

"I can guarantee that she'll admit that she likes you back," she finished, a satisfied smirk on her lips. "And I'll be waiting for that celebratory ice cream you're going to buy me."

I quirked an eyebrow. "When did I promise that?"

She shrugged. "It was insinuated, now go!"

I was practically shoved out of the car, and only when the door slammed shut behind me did I face the reality of having to tell her. I took a deep breath and walked to their front door, trying to ignore my clammy hands and heart palpitations. Knowing I would chicken out if I didn't make a move now, I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

As I was waiting patiently, I turned around to see Alessia, hoping she would give me a reassuring smile, or something along those lines. However, all I could see was her practically jamming to whatever was playing on the radio. The loud beat of the music was heard barely from the outside of the car, and so was Alessia, screaming the lyrics out to whatever. I rolled my eyes before looking back to the door. I hadn't exactly texted the girls that I was coming, so I wondered if they would react well.

Soon enough, the door opened to reveal Lauren. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw how stunning she looked today, as usual. But I guess after the moments we had shared, my feelings and admiration for her had only intensified. Which is why despite the fact that she was wearing joggers and a tee shirt, she still looked drop dead gorgeous in my eyes.

When she realised it was me, her eyes widened. But before she could speak, I did. If I didn't begin now, I would have left to regret it.

"I'm not sorry for what happened," I blurted out. "We kissed and I know that you want to hear me say sorry, but I can't. I–"

I hadn't even said a quarter of what I had wanted to say before I felt her shove me back. She checked behind her before stepping outside with me and shutting the door. I opened my mouth to ask what she was doing, but she ended up dragging my arm to around the house, hidden away from peeking eyes and listening ears.

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