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Imagine: Having a huge crush on Sam in high school and reconnecting with him later, and he ends up having a huge crush on you.

Y/N POV~High School
Sam and his brother Dean have only been here for a couple weeks, but I think I am falling for him. It all started when I met him in our school library. I was looking at a John Steinbeck book, when Sam came up to me. "Hi, I'm Sam. I'm new here." I looked up from the book and saw him. He was really cute. "H-Hi, I'm Y-Y/N," I managed to stutter out. He smiled and we just sat and talked for hours. Now he was one of my best friends. I wanted him to be more than just a friend to me, but he would never go for me. I had glasses, and was a little overweight, and he was...gorgeous. We hung out almost every day, and his brother occasionally made jokes about us as a couple, but Sam never even acknowledged me as something more. He thought of me so much as a friend, he would tell me about all of these girls he thought was hot. Still I definitely was falling for him. Then, 3 months later. He was gone.

~Time Skip: 8 years later~
~Sam's POV~
It has been 8 years since I went to Oak Valley High School. They were having a high school reunion tonight. I have been to at least 5 different high schools throughout the 4 years, so of course I had other high school reunions, but I never attended any of them. None of them really meant something to me. However, this high school did. This high school was where I met my favorite best friend, Y/N. I had to go to this high school reunion. "Hey, Dean," I called. "What's up Sammy?" he asked coming into the frame of the door to my room. "You know that high school where I met my best friend, Y/N?" I asked him. "Oh, you mean your girlfriend, Y/N?" he said with a smirk. I felt a small blush rise to my cheek, but quickly covered it up by protesting, "No. I mean my best friend. Anyways, Oak Valley is having my class reunion tonight. I think I'm gonna go." "Sammy, we got a ghost to gank tonight. I need your help." Dean told me. "Dean, it's a simple salt and burn. You can handle this on your own." I said. "Whatever, if seeing Y/N is more important than hunting with me, then you can go." he said pretending to be sad, but I could tell he was hiding a smirk. "Thank you," I said, getting up and rushing to the bathroom to start getting ready. It was about 12:00 in the afternoon by the time I was ready, the reunion started at 7:00 PM, and the drive was about 6 and 1/2 hours long, so I started driving. I got to the reunion at around 6:45 PM. I looked around for Y/N, but I couldn't find her anywhere. Every few minutes some girls or sometimes guys would come up to me, saying hi. It was about 8:30 when I lost hope that Y/N was coming. Then I saw her. She was sitting at a table, and a bunch of guys were talking to her. When I saw her everything changed. I never really thought about her in that way. But she was hot, and my heart just melted at the sight of her. I walked up to her and when she saw me she pushed away all the other guys, got up and hugged me. I couldn't help but melt into her arms. "Sammy! I can't beleive your here!" she said and gave me a small peck on the cheek. I felt a full on blush rise to my cheeks. "Hey Y/N! How are you? You look amazing!" I said, with one breath. She chuckled and bit her lip, looking down at the ground. She looked adorable doing that. She looked back up at me and said, "I'm good Sammy, and thanks, you look amazing too!" I couldn't help but smile at that. We talked for about an hour, and I couldn't help but start falling for Y/N. She was so amazing, and I can't beleive I actually had feelings for her. We were just laughing and talking when some dweeb came up to Y/N. "Hey, I saw you from across the room, and thought we might like each other. Now that I'm here, I am sure of it. Can I have your number?" Y/N just looked at him with her cute smile. I on the other hand wanted to punch the guy. "We're trying to have a conversation here," I said rudely. "Yes, I can see you are trying, and failing. So I figured I would step in and help this poor girl," he said winking at Y/N. Thats when I got up. I towered over the guy, it was one of the things I loved about my height. He looked scared and just walked away. Y/N started laughing at us, and it was like music to my ears. She stood up, walked in front of me, and put her hand on my shoulder. I felt chills when she did that. "That was really impresive. Didn't know you had that in you." she said. "There is a lot of things that you don't know about me." I replied. "Like what?" she asked. I stepped closer and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Thankfully, she kissed back. "I have waited for that for a long time," she said smiling, and going back for another kiss. I did the same.

Sorry if this was too long, hope you liked it.

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