Sam Imagine

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I have been hunting with the Winchesters ever since that Wendigo case in Montana. I've gotten really close with the Winchesters. Dean was like a brother to me, but I've always secretly liked Sammy. Nothing was ever going to happen between us though. He thought of me as a freind. There was always the occasional flirting, but he didn't like me, did he? I mean I was pretty, funny and smart, but Sammy. He was all of that and more. Sammy was the dream guy, my dream guy. I came down the stairs of the bunker and found Dean and Sammy in the kitchen. "So, do we got anything to gank today?" I asked them. "Maybe, we think there is a salt and burn in Austin. There have been multiple deaths in an abandoned factory. All by machines that just happened to up and start." Dean said. "Do we got a suspect?" I asked. "Yeah, guy named Jeremy Stone," Sammy said. "Alright. Let's go," I said walking up to my room to get ready. I threw my gear into the back of the Impala and then hopped in the backseat. Dean drove, and Sammy got in the passenger seat. That was how it always was. Ten long hours of Dean's Led Zepplin, and we finally got to Austin. Dean went to the cemetery to salt and burn the bones while Sammy and I went to the warehouse to try and distract the ghost. We got to the warehouse, and it was quiet. Too quiet. Sammy started making the salt circle around us and the duffel bag full of our hunting gear. However, before we could finish the salt circle, the ghost showed up, and before Sammy could do anything, the ghost flung him into the wall and knocked him out. I quickly reached for the gun, but the ghost threw it across the room. Then everything went black. I woke up a few minutes later, I was still in the warehouse, which meant that I was alone with the ghost. As soon as I woke up, the ghost materialized in front of me. It came closer and closer until I could see that it was holding a knife in its hand. It brought the blade up too my cheek and quickly sliced my cheek. The pain was unbearable, but I didn't dare give it the pleasure of my screams. It kept slicing, until it was ready to plunge the knife into my heart. I could feel myself already drifting off. The ghost rose the knife and I closed my eyes for the plunge. Then Sammy kicked open the door, came Rushing in, and shot the ghost. Sammy and I saw it burst into flames, and he came and untied me. I fell into his arms. "Y/N! , please stay with me! I can't lose you!" Sammy told me. Did I really mean that much to him. "Sammy? Im really tired." I replied. "Please just stay with me!" he yelled in tears. I drifted off. I woke up in a motel room witn arms wrapped around me tightly. "Sammy?" I asked. "Y/N?" he replied. "Thank God your awake. I thought I lost you." Sammy said. "You can't get rid of me that easily," I said smiling. Sammy gave me a small smile and said, "I never want to come that close to losing you again. I love you, Y/N." I couldn't beleive what i had just heard. Did the guy who I love really just say he loved me back? "Y-You do?" I asked. "Yes. I have loved you ever since that Wendigo case a year ago." I looked at him, and said, "I love you too Sammy." I hugged him and he pulled me into a passionate long, kiss. We finally pulled away, breathless, and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Sorry that this is short

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