Sam Imagine

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Requested by: Romanreigns_HotFck_ and kind of missevangelene

Real quick: Think/Suggest what you guys would like for the 100th Imagine! I have a couple of ideas for it at the bottom of this imagine!

Imagine: You find out you are pregnant, but when you come home to tell Sam, you find him cheating on you. A year later, he sees you again, with your baby.

It was Friday when your life changed. You and Sam had been together for five years, and you were both extremely happy. You went through so much with Sam, and he with you. The five years you had already spent with Sam were the best years of your life.

Of course, life sucks, and there have been a few rough spots in yours and his relationship, like his psychic visions, but no matter what the two of you always pulled through, hand in hand. It was about six in the morning on Tuesday when it first happened.

You opened your eyes and saw the form of your sleeping boyfriend next to you. You smiled softly at his appearance, and then rolled onto your back. You felt a funny feeling in your stomach, and then ran to the bathroom.

You threw up, and then came back into the bedroom to lay down. You threw up every few hours, and every time you ate something. Sam was very supportive, giving you everything you needed, and only leaving you side occasionally.

However, what you didn't know was that when Sam left your side, he was actually drinking demon blood. As a matter of fact, Sam had been drinking demon blood for a couple of months now, but no one knew about it.

You couldn't fall asleep, so you decided to turn on the TV. Sam soon came into the bedroom, and asked, "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" "The same," you replied quietly. "I think you should go to the doctor Y/N," he told you.

You hated the doctor, they always poked and prodded you, and drew your blood for tests. "Sammy, they nearest doctors is really far away, and I'm fine, really," you said as you tried to muster up a small smile, but right then, your body decided to throw up again.

"Look, I'll drive you into town, and we'll rent a motel, and we can stay the night there," Sam suggested. "That's sweet babe, but I'd feel bad if you drove all the way down there for nothing. I'll drive down there, and rent a motel, and then I will see you tomorrow," you told him as you got up.

Sam didn't like the idea, and he tried to protest, but after a while he realized that he would be alone in the bunker since Dean was out on a hunt with Bobby. This meant that he could drink all the demon blood that he wanted the whenever and wherever.

The tempting thought persuaded him enough to let you go off by yourself to the doctors. It took you a couple of hours to drive into town, and you were only about ten minutes away from the doctor's office. Meanwhile, from the moment you left Sam had chugged down demon blood.

Sam soon realized what he was doing and saw past the temptation of the demon blood. He quickly got on the road, and gave you a call. "Hello?" you asked, answering your phone. "Hey baby," Sam said on the other end of the receiver.

"What's going on?" you asked him. "I'm on the road to town, I don't want you to do this by yourself. I know how much you hate the doctor's office," Sam said. You smiled at Sam's kind heart and said, "Babe, I'm almost to the doctor's office right now, but how about you meet me at the motel."

Sam agreed and made his way to a motel. You pulled up into the doctor's office, and only waited about ten minutes before the doctor saw you. "Hello, Ms. Y/L/N, I'm Dr. Johnson. So what's going on?" he asked you.

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