Sam Imagine

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This was a request sent in by jessicaboobear99Thanks for the request and guys please don't forget to request!!

Imagine: Christmas with Sam.

This year was your first Christmas ever. Life as a hunter never really gave you anytime to celebrate anything, not even your birthday. You met the Winchesters two years ago, but you didn't feel comfortable enough to ask them to celebrate Christmas with you.

Over the last few months, you and Sam had sparked a relationship. Sammy had asked you out after you had hurt your leg on a hunt, and you guys had been dating ever since. You were really falling for the tall Winchester, and one night you accidentally told Sam that you wanted to celebrate Christmas this year.

You were surprised you had told him, you weren't planning on telling him, but you caught up in the moment. Sam had taken you out for ice cream in the night. Snow covered the ground and as you walked around the snow, the words slipped past your lips.

"I want to celebrate Christmas Sam," you told him, getting lost in the winter moment. His eyes slightly widened as he looked at you. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Well, I have never celebrated a Christmas before, so I wanted to celebrate it, but it's okay if you don't want to," you explained.

You weren't sure how Sam felt about celebrating Christmas. You knew Sam and Dean had a troubling childhood, so you never wanted to push them into celebrating Christmas. That day though, you just couldn't help yourself from asking about it.

"You've never celebrated Christmas?" Sam asked. You felt enbarrased hearing Sam say it, so you looked down a slight blush appeared on your cheeks. Sam tilted your chin up with his finger and said, "Y/N, I promise. This year, we are going to celebrate Christmas."

A huge smile appeared on your face and your eyes lit up. "Thank you Sam," you told him. He smiled at you before giving you a hug.

The next couple of weeks were spent decorating, shopping, and baking. Dean didn't want to celebrate Christmas at first, but after baking three apple pies, he agreed.

Soon, presents completely filled the space underneath the Christmas tree. There were red ones, green ones, blue ones, and multicolored ones. Everyone got more excited as Christmas approached.

Finally it was Christmas Eve. You and Sam were sitting in the living room with Dean when you stood up. "Okay boys, time to go to bed," you told them. "We got a bedtime now?" Dean asked sarcastically. "We have to wake up early to open the presents," you told him.

Dean let out a small sigh and said, "Okay." Then Dean went to bed and so did you and Sam.

The next morning, Dean was the one to wake you and Sam. "Guys get up!" Dean said. You rolled around and looked at your alarm clock. It was 4:30 AM. "Dean what are you doing?" you asked in a tired voice.

"It's Christmas," Dean said. You sighed, but got up with a smile. Sam followed you down the stairs, and you made Dean and Sam sit down next to the Christmas tree.

You went in the kitchen and fixed three glasses of eggnog. You topped the eggnog of with whipped cream and cinnamon before bringing it to the boys.

"Thanks sweetie," Sam said as you handed him his eggnog and sat next to him. You gave him a smile before starting Christmas.

"Okay, before we start, we are missing something," you told them. "What?" Dean asked. "Cas! Get down here!" you called. Within the next minute, Cas was right next to you. "What is it Y/N, is everything okay?" Cas asked.

"Yeah Cas everything is fine. We are celebrating Christmas," you explained. "Y/N, I don't have time for this," Castiel said. "Really? Becuase the first present is yours," you told him with a smile. Cas thought about it for a moment and then said, "Well maybe I can stay for a little."

You smiled as Cas took a seat nearby. You handed Cas his present. As he unwrapped it, a bright smile appeared on his face. You, Dean, and Sam came together to get Cas an angel blade with his name engraved on it. The blade came with a case that held it and the case was decorated with honey bees.

"Thank you guys. This is great," Cas said. You smiled and then handed out the next present. It was for Dean. You had all gotten Dean a perfectly crafted gun that was white and black. Then he also got a picture that you had drawn (or that you drew if you are a good drawer) of his Baby, the Impala.

Dean said his thank-yous and then it was Sam's turn. Dean gave Sam a pie, Cas didn't really have anything so he gave Sam his watch, and then it was your turn.

You handed Sam his present and by the look on his face you could tell he was shocked. You got Sam a picture in a picture frame of you and him. It was the first day you met Sam, and the first day you both knew you were right for each other.

The picture frame was decorated with yours and Sam's names and hearts. You also got Sam's some of his favorite books and you made him a mixtape with all of yours and Sams songs.

A huge smile brightened Sam's face and you couldn't help but smile either. "Thank you Y/N," he said. "You're welcome babe," you told him.

You were cleaning up some of the dishes from the night when Sam came to help. It had only been five minutes when Dean came in with his hands behind his back.

"Whatcha doing there Dean?" you asked. He simply shrugged his shoulders and walked up to you and Sam.

Once he was next to you, Dean held a mistletoe over yours and Sam's head. "Dean," you said with a small chuckle. "It's mistletoe Y/N, you have to kiss," Dean replied.

You smiled and shook your head at Dean and then turned to Sam. You and Sam both slowly leaned in. When your lips touched, sparks flew and energy surged through you.

You both pulled away breathless after a minute. Your forehead leaned on Sam's and you were in perfect bliss.

"I love you Y/N," Sam whispered. "I love you too Sammy," you whispered back. Sam gave you a quick peck on the lips before going back to everyone else to celebrate Christmas.

Merry Christmas!!
Hello my little monsters! I hope you enjoyed this imagine. Please vote/comment/request/follow. Thanks for reading! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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