Sam Imagine

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Requested by victoriacollet
Imagine: The Winchesters find you and take you back to the Bunker where Dean tries to hit on you, but you don't feel the same way about him and confide in Sam.

One week. It has been one week since you were captured by horrible, evil, demons. And every day since you were captured they have tortured you. They've beaten you, burned you, ripped you apart.

You were losing hope that you would survive this. You were losing hope that someone would save you. Bruises covered your body, you were starved and parched, and blood soaked your clothes.

But you still fought like hell to survive because there wasn't a chance that you were going to let the demons have the satisfaction of killing you.

You were sitting in a chair, bound to it with rope. The demons were coming into the dark room that you were trapped in.

You saw as one of them flicked a knife back and forth between his fingers. You watched as they walked closer and closer to you.

You held your breath and just as the demon was about to carve the knife in your skin, you heard the door to the room just open. You watched as two handsome men entered the room and killed all of the demons.

You felt yourself slipping off into unconsciousness as the one of the men came over to you. "My name is Dean and that's my brother Sam. We're here to help you," one of the men said as he cut you free from the ropes. That was the last thing you heard before you passed out.

You woke up on a couch in a fairly large place. You sat up and looked arpund. There wasn't anyone there at the moment, but it didn't take long for the two guys who saved you to come into the room.

"You're awake," Dean said. You nodded your head in response. "How are you feeling?" Sam asked. "As well as I can for someone who has been tortured for a week my demons," you told him.

Sam gave a slight chuckle while Dean sat down on the couch next to you. "Well, it's been a long day, so I'm gonna go to bed, but I'll see you guys later," Sam stated.

You nodded and thanked Sam for helping save your life and watched as Sam went to his bedroom.

Dean was staring at you while drinking a beer. "You know you're really hot Y/N," Dean told you. You gave him a slight smile and said, "Thanks."

"That's probably why the demons took you. To have fun with you," Dean continued. "How many beers have you had tonight?" you asked Dean.

"A lot, but that doesn't matter. Why don't we go to my bedroom and have some fun of our own?" Dean told you. You stood up and said, "Look Dean, I'm grateful for you saving my life, but I can't believe your actually hitting on me right now."

Dean smirked up at you and said, "Come on, no one has to know we did it." You scoffed and said, "I'm going to bed." You didn't know where you were going, so you just went into the room where you saw Sam enter.

"Sam?" you asked as you entered the room. Sam was sleeping, but when you came into the room he woke up. "Y/N?" he asked. "Hey, I'm sorry to wake you," You told him.

"No, it's okay. Did you need something?" Sam asked As he sat up and motioned for you to come sit on the bed next to him.

You went over and sat on the bed next to Sam and told him all about what happened between you and Dean. Sam gave you support and comfort.

You spent the next couple of months trying to avoid Dean. Ultimately, this led to you and Sam spending a lot of time together. Every time Sam would have a hunt you would go with him, or Sam would take you out with him on simple errands.

After a while, you and Sam started falling hard for each other. The chemistry between the two of you was undeniable and the passion between the two of you was extraordinary.

One day, Sam had to go out on a hunt with Bobby. This hunt was very personal for Bobby asked that only Sam came.

This meant that you would be alone, in the Bunker, with Dean. You were making pancakes in the kitchen when Dean came in.

"Morning, Y/N," Dean told you. "Good morning," you replied quietly. "Can we talk?" Dean asked. You gave Dean a curous look and said, "Sure."

"I'm sorry about the first night we met. I was drunk, but I really like you Y/N. And I want to try with you. I want us to try together," Dean explained.

You let out a small sigh and said, "Dean, you're a great guy, and I forgive you for that night, but I'm seeing Sam. I have been for a while, and I love him."

Dean looked at you in awe and a twinge of hurt in his face. "Oh, I understand," Dean replied. "Dean, I'm sorry. I hope we can pull past this," you told him.

"Me too. I'm glad you and Sammy found each other. You make a cute couple," Dean told you. You gave him a slight smile and Dean left the room.

You were expecting to feel guilty, but surprisingly you didn't, because you knew that Dean would be supportive of yours and Sam's relationship, and you knew that this was the start of a beautiful friendship between you and Dean and a forever relationship between you and Sam.

Hello my little monsters!

This one was kind of bad. Sorry about that haha. Anyways, thank you all for reading. I love you all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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