Dean Imagine

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Requested by: haleylovespenguins

Imagine: You are Castiel's little sister, and after getting hurt on a hunt you and Dean have an intimate moment.

In Heaven, all angels are brothers and sister. But, there are some who are closer to each other than others. Like Gabriel and Lucifer were close before Lucifer fell. You just so happened to be the closest to Castiel.

You always admired Castiel, and did your best to defend and protect him against the other angels, when he stared helping out the Winchesters. Likewise, even though Castiel was on the Earth, he always watched out for you and came to you whenever you needed him.

Soon after Castiel went down to the Earth, you saw how corrupt Heaven was getting. Without God, Heaven was complete anarchy, but you didn't want to tell Castiel about it, because you knew that he had a lot to deal with on Earth.

However, the situation in Heaven only got worse, leading you to fall from Heaven. Once you had fallen, you knew that the other angels would be mad at you, so you tried to hide. But, you didn't know the Earth that well, and it didn't take long for the angels to find you. They beat you up to the point of near death, and left you on the street.

You needed help, but you couldn't go to a hospital, so you tried to find Castiel. You knew that he was somewhere close in Heaven, because before you had fallen, you used your angel radio to track him. He was a couple of miles from you, and it took everything you had left in you to stand up and walk.

It was a while before you saw anything, but soon enough, you saw a small opening that led to a small building. You sighed and hoped that Castiel would be in that building. You knocked on the door, and soon enough somebody came and opened it.

It was the tallest Winchester, the one Castiel called Sam. Sam saw your state and his eyes immediately widened. You had blood everywhere, and you were fighting just to stay conscious. Sam immediately opened the door, and brought you inside. "Dean! Help!" Sam called out into the Bunker.

Soon, Dean came in, and as soon as you saw him, you felt something inside of you. It was as if you were completely drawn to him. But, right now that didn't matter. Sam helped you sit on the couch, while Dean ran off and soon came back with warm water, towels, and a first aid kit.

Sam and Dean both sat down by you and started wiping up your blood. You winced every time they tried to clean one of your wounds, and Dean profusely apologized. "Why did you come here?" Sam asked, as he continued cleaning your cuts. "I'm looking for Castiel," you replied.

Dean and Sam both shared a look and Dean asked, "Why?" "Because he is my brother," you answered. "You're an angel?" Sam questioned. "Well, I used to be," you responded, and Dean was about to ask another question when you heard a deep voice say from behind you, "Y/N."

You spun around, which hurt from all of your bruises, and you and Cas made eye contact. As soon as he saw you, his eyes softened, and worry spread throughout his face. "What happened?" he demanded to know, as he came and sat next to Dean and saw, facing you so you didn't have to be turned around.

"Heaven's gotten so corrupt Cas. Those who I called my brothers and sisters, I don't even recognize anymore. So, I fell from Heaven, hoping to seek refuge in you, but before I could find you, Azrael and Pronoia found me, and you can see what they did," you explained.

All three of the boys looked at you with small, sympathetic eyes. "Okay, Sam, I found some information about the case we were looking into, if you come with me, I'll explain it. Dean, do you mind taking care of my little sister?" Cas asked. "No, of course I'll take care of her," Dean replied. You and Dean made eye contact and he gave you a small soft, smile.

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