Sam Imagine

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Requested by the amazing Lucis_babe thanks again!

Imagine: You died from lung cancer and you had a little girl and were married to Sam

You and Sam had been married for about a year now. You had a little girl with him and you were honestly a very happy family. However, Sam had developed a very bad smoking problem. Something had happened to Dean.

He wasn't dead, he just disappeared, and Sam couldn't handle it. So he drank, and when drinking didn't work he moved onto smoking. His smoking affected you greatly, but you never wanted to say anything.

You knew that Sam needed to cope with Dean, but it hurt you to see him coping like this. One day you were playing with your daughter when you felt a little funny. You breathing hitched and soon you were struggling for breaths.

You collapsed to the ground and your daughter came running to Sam. "Daddy! Daddy!" you daughter said, reaching him. "What's the matter, sweetie?" he asked. "It's mommy," she replied. Sam's furrowed his eyebrows at his daughter, and followed her to you.

His eyes filled with worry when he saw you lying on the ground. "Oh my god, Haley? Come on baby, please wake up. Please," Sam pleaded. You didn't move and Sam called 9-1-1. You were rushed to the hospital a few minutes later, and Sam and his daughter were forced to wait in the waiting room.

A few minutes later, the doctor came out with the sad expression. "What is it?" Sam asked, standing up. "I'm sorry, she, didn't make it," the doctor said. Sam shook his head no, and said, "This has got to be a joke. She is not dead."

The doctor gave him a sympathetic look and Sam asked, "How did she die?" "She died from lung cancer," the doctor said. "She didn't even smoke though," Sam stated. "Yes, well she must have gotten it from someone else's smoking," the doctor replied before leaving.

Tears streamed down his face as he realized he was the cause of your death. He sat down and buried his face in his hands. "Daddy?" he heard his four year old daughter's voice. "Yeah sweetie?" he asked wiping away the tears.

"When's mommy coming home?" she asked. Sam's heart broke at her words and he sat her on his laps. "Honey, mommy's not coming home," Sam explained. Small tears rolled off of the little girls cheeks as she laid her head on Sam's shoulder.

A few minutes later, she put a hand to Sam's cheek and wiped away the tears. "It's gonna be okay, daddy," she said. Sam looked at his daughter and asked, "How can you be so sure?" "Because I have you daddy, and you have me," she replied, before laying her head back on Sam's shoulder.

Sam let more tears fall down his cheek as his daughter quietly slept on his shoulder. Sam had lost his wife from his smoking, he wasn't going to lose his daughter too. He was going to quit the drinking and quit the smoking. He had to be there for his daughter. He was going to be a better father no matter what it took.

Hello my little monsters! Sorry its so short! I hope you liked it anyways! Please let me know what you thought of it by voting and commenting! Thanks for reading! ILY all and all of you are amazing!

Always Keep Fighting!


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